An Ancestor Table is a numbering system for organizing ancestors. The starting person is given the number 1. His or her father would be number 2, and mother, number 3. Continuing the pattern, the number of a father is twice the child’s number and the mother’s number is twice the child’s number plus one. Males have even numbers, and females have odd numbers.

Sometimes a couple are parents to more than one ancestor on the family tree. This is called pedigree collapse. In that case, the parents keep the first number (or lowest number) they have been assigned. There are many marriages between first cousins (and distant cousins) on our family tree. Tim & I are 12th cousins from our 11th-great-grandparents, William & Mary Brewster.
In genealogy, pedigree collapse describes how reproduction between two individuals who knowingly or unknowingly share an ancestor causes the family tree of their offspring to be smaller than it would otherwise be.
~ International Society of Genetic Genealogy website
The starting “person” on this table is any one of our three children. The descendant or multiple descendants of each couple follow the mother’s name. If the couple are cousins related to any degree I have tried to indicate this, too.
Among our children’s American ancestors are Mayflower passengers arriving in Plymouth in 1620, and immigrants arriving at Ellis Island as recently as 1909. Our ancestry is European, mostly Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, and Slavic. We’re fond of referring to the Rodgers heel, the Hamblin eyebrows, and the Freeman frown. It is truly a journey of discovery. This page is edited often as new findings are added and inaccurate connections are deleted.
Ancestors who are underlined are linked to a biographical sketch on my family history pages. Click on the link to read more about them. Unfortunately, some sketches are nothing more than a record of names and dates and relationships. But, others are more interesting, and include some fascinating stories about life in the past. My goal is to trace each line back to an immigrant ancestor, but of course, I’ve hit many brick walls and can go no further. A family line can be followed by using the links from parents to children found in each sketch.
I am not a professional genealogist, and although I keep track of my sources in a database I have not included them here. Where possible I have gathered information from interviews with relatives, diaries and journals, letters, vital records, census records, wills, obituaries, newspaper clippings, family bibles, labeled photographs, cemetery headstones, published genealogies and family histories. I also find a lot of connections using websites like, WikiTree, Family Search, and Find a Grave.

Generation 1 – Our Children
1. Nathaniel William Rodgers
1. Jonathan Freeman Rodgers
1. Larisa Katherine Rodgers
Generation 2 – Our Selves
2. Timothy Webster Rodgers
3. Barbara Lynn (Chomiak) Rodgers
Generation 3 – Our Parents
4. Karl Freeman Rodgers, Jr.
5. Ruth Jane (Flanzer) (Rodgers) Kahn
6. Dr. Theodore William Chomiak
7. Elisabeth Joan (White) Chomiak

Generation 4 – Our Grandparents
8. Karl Freeman Rodgers, Sr.
9. Allegra Estelle (Hamilton) (Rodgers) Lloyd ~ their son: Karl Freeman Rodgers, Jr. (4)
10. Joseph Asher Flanzer
11. Lenore Naomi (Raven) (Ladd) (Flanzer) (House) Howard ~ their daughter: Ruth Jane Flanzer (5)
12. William Chomiak [Василь Хомяк] ~ b. Ukraine ~ he arrived 1909 on the Amerika
13. Katherine (Fusiak) Chomiak [Катерина Фюшяк] ~ b. Ukraine ~ she arrived 1910 on the Finland ~ their son: Theodore William Chomiak (6)
14. John Everett White
15. Emma Freeman (Thompson) White ~ their daughter: Elisabeth Joan White (7)

Generation 5 – Our Great-Grandparents
16. George Lincoln Rodgers ~ b. Nova Scotia ~ he arrived 1883
17. Mary Jane (Rodgers) Rodgers ~ their son: Karl Freeman Rodgers (8)
George & Mary were first cousins
18. Charles Amos Hamilton
19. Gertrude Mabel (Hubbard) Hamilton ~ their daughter: Allegra Estelle Hamilton (9)
20. Moritz Kalman Flanzer ~ b. Austria ~ he arrived 1899
21. Sadie (Roth) Flanzer ~ b. Austria ~ she arrived 1901 ~ their son: Joseph Asher Flanzer (10)
22. Marion Case Raven
23. Catherine Alta (Verplanck) (Raven) Jewell ~ their daughter: Lenore Naomi Raven (11)
24. Теодор [Teodor] Хомяк
25. Анастасія [Anastasiia] (—) Хомяк ~ their son: Vasyl (William) Chomiak (12)
26. Konrad Fusiak ~ b. Poland, d. Ukraine
27. Ludmila (Karasek) Fusiak ~ b. Czechia, d. Ukraine ~ their daughter: Kateryna (Katherine) Fusiak (13)
28. Samuel Minor White
29. Emma Flora (Atwood) White ~ their son: John Everett White (14)
30. Capt. Martin Freeman Thompson
31. Amanda Eliza (Hamblin) Thompson ~ their daughter: Emma Freeman Thompson (15)

Generation 6 – Our 2nd-Great-Grandparents
32. Elijah Rodgers ~ b. Nova Scotia ~ they arrived 1891
33. Zipporah Ann (Horton) Rodgers ~ b. Nova Scotia ~ their son: George Lincoln Rodgers (16)
34. Neadom Rodgers ~ b. Nova Scotia ~ he arrived 1858
35. Hanorah A. (O’Brien) Rodgers ~ their daughter: Mary Jane Rodgers (17)
36. Charles Munson Hamilton
37. Eliza Ann (Devoe) Hamilton ~ their son: Charles Amos Hamilton (18)
38. Delorma Brown Hubbard
39. Emma (Pridmore) Hubbard ~ b. England ~ she arrived 1852 ~ their daughter: Gertrude Mabel Hubbard (19)
44. William Franklin Raven
45. Elona Naomi (Case) Raven ~ their son: Marion Case Raven (22)
46. George Washington Verplanck
47. Ermina (Huntley) Verplanck ~ their daughter: Catherine Alta Verplanck (23)
52. Gabriel Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland
53. Euphosina (Dziuta) Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland ~ their son: Konrad Fusiak (26)
54. Josef Karasek
55. Anna (Cermak) Karasek ~ b. Czechia ~ she arrived 1871 ~ their daughter: Ludmila Karasek (27)
56. William Martin White
57. Ellen C. (Hill) White ~ their son: Samuel Minor White (28)
William & Ellen were first cousins
58. Reuel Gardner Atwood
59. Louisa Jane (Atwood) Atwood ~ their daughter: Emma Flora Atwood (29)
60. Capt. Martin Edward Thompson
61. Elisabeth Emma (Freeman) Thompson ~ their son: Martin Freeman Thompson (30)
62. Capt. William Nelson Hamblin
63. Annie Eliza (Baker) Hamblin ~ their daughter: Amanda Eliza Hamblin (31)

Generation 7 – Our 3rd-Great-Grandparents
64. Jacob Rodgers
65. Mahala (Bedford) Rodgers ~ their sons: Elijah Rodgers (32), Neadom Rodgers (34)
66. Charles S. Horton ~ b-d. Nova Scotia
67. Eliza (Hanley) Horton ~ b-d. Nova Scotia ~ their daughter: Zipporah Ann Horton (33)
70. William O’Brien ~ b. Ireland
71. Mary (—) O’Brien ~ b. Ireland ~ their daughter: Hanorah A. O’Brien (35)
72. Benjamin Hamilton
73. Rachel (Gardner) Hamilton ~ their son: Charles Munson Hamilton (36)
76. John Hubbard ~ settlers of Albion, New York
77. Lydia (Randolph) Hubbard ~ b. Canada ~ she arrived 1820 ~ their son: Delorma Brown Hubbard (38)
78. William Pridmore ~ b. England ~ they arrived 1852
79. Anna (Sturgess) Pridmore ~ b. England ~ their daughter: Emma Pridmore (39)
88. Henry Charles Raven
89. Clarinda (Sweet) Raven ~ their son: William Franklin Raven (44)
90. Capt. Hermon Roberts Case
91. Paulina Elizabeth (Minor) Case ~ their daughter: Elona Naomi Case (45)
92. Henry Abraham Verplanck
93. Catherine Ann (McMullen) Verplanck ~ b. Ireland ~ their son: George Washington Verplanck (46)
94. Loren Grant Huntley
95. Mary Jane (Fowler) Huntley ~ their daughter: Ermina Huntley (47)
104. Gregorius Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland
105. Anna (Belczyk) Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland ~ their son: Gabriel Fusiak (52)
106. Nicolai Dziuta ~ b-d. Poland
107. Julianna (Wandzilak) Dziuta ~ b-d. Poland ~ their daughter: Euphosina Dziuta (53)
112. Austin White
113. Lucy Ann (Thompson) White ~ their son: William Martin White (56)
114. Rufus Hill
115. Lydia (White) Hill ~ their daughter: Ellen C. Hill (57)
116. Reuel Atwood
117. Abigail Savery (Tillson) Atwood ~ their son: Reuel Gardner Atwood (58)
118. Ebenezer Atwood
119. Waitstill (Lucas) Atwood ~ their daughter: Louisa Jane Atwood (59)
120. Capt. Martin Thompson [Ingebrigt Martinus Hansen] ~ b. Norway ~ he arrived 1837
121. Ann Isabella (Hughs) Thompson ~ b. Ireland ~ their son: Martin Edward Thompson (60)
122. Warren Freeman
123. Elisabeth (Weekes) Freeman ~ their daughter: Elisabeth Emma Freeman (61)
124. Capt. William Hamblin
125. Amanda (Bearse) Hamblin ~ their son: William Nelson Hamblin (62)
126. Benjamin Baker
127. Eliza R. (Eldridge) Baker ~ their daughter: Annie Eliza Baker (63)

Generation 8 – Our 4th-Great-Grandparents (128-255)
128. Corp. Eli Rogers
129. Hannah (Cook) Rogers ~ their son: Jacob Rogers (64)
130. Levan Bedford
131. Esther (Hamilton) Bedford ~ their daughter: Mahala Bedford (65)
132. Isaiah Horton ~ b. at sea, d. Nova Scotia
133. Zipporah Jane (Hyde) Horton ~ b-d. Nova Scotia ~ their son: Charles S. Horton (66)
134. William Hanley ~ b-d. Nova Scotia
135. Frances Jane (Digdon) Hanley ~ b-d. Nova Scotia ~ their daughter: Eliza Hanley (67)
144. Sgt. William Hamilton ~ Revolutionary War veteran
145. Nellie (Hurd) Hamilton ~ their son: Benjamin Hamilton (72)
152. Joseph Hubbard
153. Mabel (Sutlief) Hubbard ~ their son: John Hubbard (76)
154. Abram Randolph
155. Jane (Koyl) (Randolph) Coombs ~ their daughter: Lydia P. Randolph (77)
156. Abraham Pridmore ~ b-d. England
157. Elizabeth (Bramston) Pridmore ~ b-d. England ~ their son: William Pridmore (78)
158. William Sturgess ~ b-d. England ~ his daughter: Anna Sturgess (79)
176. Peter George Raven
177. Sabrina (Cummins) Raven ~ b. Ontario ~ their son: Henry Charles Raven (88)
178. Josiah Sweet
179. Eunice (Day) Sweet ~ their daughter: Clarinda Sweet (89)
180. Aaron Newton Case
181. Laura Amanda (Roberts) Case ~ their son: Hermon Roberts Case (90)
182. William Minor
183. Naomi (Reniff) Minor ~ their daughter: Paulina Elizabeth Minor (91)
184. John D. Verplanck
185. Maria (Hallenbeck) Verplanck ~ their son: Henry Abraham Verplanck (92)
188. Leonard Huntley
189. Hannah (Wheeler) Huntley ~ their son: Loren Grant Huntley (94)
190. Levi Fowler
191. Anna (Howe) Fowler ~ their daughter: Mary Jane Fowler (95)
208. Piotr Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland
209. Maria (Kawula) Fusiak ~ b-d. Poland ~ their son: Gregorius Fusiak (104)
210. Petro Belczyk ~ b-d. Poland
211. Maria (Szewczik) Belczyk ~ b-d. Poland ~ their daughter: Anna Belczyk (105)
224. Oliver White
225. Lydia (—) White ~ their children: Austin White (112), Lydia White (115)
226. Elias Thompson ~ settlers of Rush & Kendall, New York
227. Elizabeth (Davis) Thompson ~ their daughter: Lucy Ann Thompson (113)
228. Robinson Hill
229. Lydia (—) Hill ~ their son: Rufus Hill (114)
232. Nathaniel Atwood
233. Zilpha (Shurtleff) Atwood ~ their son: Reuel Atwood (116)
Nathaniel & Zilpha were first cousins
234. Ichabod Tillson
235. Abigail (Bump) Tillson ~ their daughter: Abigail Savery Tillson (117)
236. Samuel Atwood
237. Patience (Cobb) Atwood ~ their son: Ebenezer Atwood (118)
238. Caleb Lucas
239. Asenath (Shurtleff) Lucas ~ their daughter: Waitstill Lucas (119)
240. Hans Mathias Tønnesen ~ b-d. Norway
241. Dorthea Larsdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their son: Ingebrigt Martinus Hansen (Martin Thompson) (120)
244. Thomas Freeman
245. Roxanna (Cash) Freeman ~ their son: Warren Freeman (122)
246. Isaac Weekes
247. Elisabeth (Allen) Weekes ~ their daughter: Elisabeth Weekes (123)
252. Aaron Baker
253. Achsah (Crowell) Baker ~ their son: Benjamin Baker (126)
254. Leonard Eldridge
255. Nancy (Roberson) Eldridge ~ their daughter: Eliza R. Eldridge (127)

Generation 9 – Our 5th-Great-Grandparents (256-511)
256. Joseph Rogers ~ b. North Carolina, d. Nova Scotia
257. Ferreby (Alexander) Rogers ~ their son: Eli Rogers (128)
264. Capt. Isaiah Horton ~ b. Massachusetts, d. Nova Scotia
265. Anna (Wood) Horton ~ b. Rhode Island, d. Nova Scotia ~ their son: Isaiah Horton (132)
288. Stephen Hamilton ~ his son: Sgt. William Hamilton (144)
304. Eliphalet Hubbard ~ Revolutionary War veteran
305. Abigail (Johnson) Hubbard ~ their son: Joseph Hubbard (152)
308. Benjamin Randolph ~ Revolutionary War veteran
309. Jane (Long) Randolph ~ their son: Abram Randolph (154)
310. Ephraim Koyl ~ d. Ontario ~ Revolutionary War veteran
311. Abigail (Redding) (Kincaid) Koyl ~ d. Ontario ~ their daughter: Jane Koyl (155)
312. Thomas Pridmore ~ b-d. England
313. Elizabeth (Shepard) Pridmore ~ b-d. England ~ their son: Abraham Pridmore (156)
314. William Bramston ~ b-d. England
315. Alice (—) Bramston ~ b-d. England ~ their daughter: Elizabeth Bramston (157)
352. Peter Raven ~ b. England ~ he arrived 1777 ~ settlers of Antwerp, New York
353. Rachel (Groom) Raven ~ their son: Peter George Raven (176)
354. Daniel Cummins ~ his daughter: Sabrina Cummins (177)
356. Capt. Joshua Sweet
357. Eliza Mary (Hurd) Sweet ~ their son: Josiah Sweet (178)
358. Lemuel Day ~ his daughter: Eunice Day (179)
360. Aaron Case
361. Margaret (Meacham) Case ~ their son: Aaron Newton Case (180)
362. Gen. Lemuel Roberts
363. Roxy (Gillett) Roberts ~ their daughter: Laura Amanda Roberts (181)
364. Martin Minor
365. Elizabeth (Davis) Minor ~ their son: William Minor (182)
368. Johannes Verplanck
369. Catherine (Huck) Verplanck ~ their son: John D. Verplanck (184)
376. Asher Huntley ~ Revolutionary War veteran
377. Betsey Wilder (Tiffany) Huntley ~ their son: Leonard Huntley (188)
380. Eliphalet Fowler
381. Mary (Pixley) Fowler ~ their son: Levi Fowler (190)
382. Squire Howe
383. Martha (Field) Howe ~ their daughter: Anna Howe (191)
422. Gabriel Szewczik ~ b-d. Poland ~ his daughter: Maria Szewczik (211)
452. James Thompson ~ b. Scotland
453. Mary (—) Thompson ~ their son: Elias Thompson (226)
454. Rev. Joseph Davis
455. Dorcas (Clark) Davis ~ their daughter: Elizabeth Davis (227)
464. Ichabod Atwood
465. Hannah (Shaw) Atwood ~ their son: Nathaniel Atwood (232)
466. Lt. Francis Shurtleff ~ Revolutionary War veteran
467. Mary (Shaw) (Shurtleff) Savery ~ their daughter: Zilpha Shurtleff (233)
468. Ichabod Tillson ~ Revolutionary War veteran
469. Azuba (Thomas) Tillson ~ their son: Ichabod Tillson (234)
470. Lot Bump
471. Abigail (Savery) Bump ~ their daughter: Abigail Bump (235)
472. Lt. Nathaniel Atwood
473. Abigail (Shaw) (Lucas) Atwood ~ their son: Samuel Atwood (236)
474. John Cobb
475. Hannah (Cushman) Cobb ~ their daughter: Patience Cobb (237)
476. Barnabas Lucas
477. Joanna (Pierce) Lucas ~ their son: Caleb Lucas (238)
478. William Shurtleff ~ Revolutionary War veteran
479. Ruth (Shaw) Shurtleff ~ their daughter: Asenath Shurtleff (239)
480. Tønnes Ingebretsen ~ b-d. Norway
481. Kristin Kristensdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their son: Hans Mathias Tønnesen (240)
482. Lars Kristensen ~ b-d. Norway
483. Maria Olsdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their daughter: Dorthea Larsdatter (241)
488. John Freeman
489. Abigail (Hopkins) Freeman ~ their son: Thomas Freeman (244)
490. Samuel Cash ~ Revolutionary War veteran
491. Patience (Phillips) Cash ~ their daughter: Roxanna Cash (245)
Samuel & Patience were first cousins
492. Isaac Weekes ~ Revolutionary War veteran
493. Thankful (Nickerson) Weekes ~ their son: Isaac Weekes (246)
494. Seth Allen ~ Revolutionary War veteran
495. Anna (Gage) Allen ~ their daughter: Elisabeth Allen (247)
504. Daniel Baker
505. Temperance (Gage) Baker ~ their son: Aaron Baker (252)
506. Edward Crowell
507. Thankful (Cahoon) Crowell ~ their daughter: Achsah Crowell (253)

Generation 10 – Our 6th-Great-Grandparents (512-1023)
512. John Rogers ~ b. Scotland, d. Virginia ~ his son: Joseph Rogers (256)
528. Hezekiah Horton
529. Mary (Martin) Horton ~ their son: Isaiah Horton (264)
530. William Wood
531. Anna (Collins) Wood ~ their daughter: Anna Wood (265)
576. John Hamilton ~ b. Scotland
577. Elizabeth (de Peyster) Hamilton ~ their son: Stephen Hamilton (288)
608. Joseph Hubbard
609. Elizabeth (Hollister) Hubbard ~ their son: Eliphalet Hubbard (304)
610. Daniel Johnson
611. Jane (Richardson) (Favor) Johnson ~ their daughter: Abigail Johnson (305)
618. Robert Long
619. Elizabeth (Townsend) Long ~ their daughter: Jane Long (309)
620. Dea. John Kyle
621. Agnes (—) Kyle ~ their son: Ephraim Koyl (310)
622. John Redding
623. Mary (—) Redding ~ their daughter: Abigail Redding (311)
706. Peter Groom
707. Mary (Cubberley) Groom ~ their daughter: Rachel Groom (353)
712. Josiah Sweet
713. Elizabeth (Warner) (Sweet) Warner ~ their son: Joshua Sweet (356)
714. Adam Hurd
715. Martha (Judson) Hurd ~ their daughter: Mary Eliza Hurd (357)
720. Amasa Case
721. Elizabeth (Hoskins) Case ~ their son: Aaron Case (360)
722. Barnabas Meacham
723. Margaret (Owen) Meacham ~ their daughter: Margaret Meacham (361)
724. Capt. Lemuel Roberts
725. Ruth (Woodford) Roberts ~ their son: Lemuel Roberts (362)
726. Capt. Amos Gillett
727. Susanna (Webster) Gillett ~ their daughter: Roxy Gillett (363)
728. Ezekiel Minor
729. Margaret (Beckwith) (Waite) Minor ~ their son: Martin Minor (364)
736. David Verplanck
737. Catrina (Boom) Verplanck ~ b. Netherlands ~ their son: Johannes Verplanck (368)
738. Johannes Huyck
739. Catarina (Bovie) Huyck ~ their daughter: Catherine Huck (369)
752. Capt. Ezekiel Huntley ~ Revolutionary War veteran
753. Naomi (Tiffany) Huntley ~ their son: Asher Huntley (376)
754. Consider Tiffany
755. Sarah (Wilder) Tiffany ~ their daughter: Betsey Wilder Tiffany (377)
760. John Fowler
761. Abigail (Hall) Fowler ~ their son: Eliphalet Fowler (380)
764. Sgt. Caleb Howe
765. Jemima (Sawtell) (Phipps) (Howe) Tute ~ their son: Squire Howe (382)
766. Ens. Moses Field
767. Martha (Root) (Field) Bardwell ~ their daughter: Martha Field (383)
908. Rev. John Davis
909. Elizabeth (Maxson) Davis ~ their son: Joseph Davis (454)
928. [same as 472. Lt. Nathaniel Atwood]
929. Mary (Adams) Atwood ~ their son: Ichabod Atwood (464)
930. Capt. Nathaniel Shaw ~ Revolutionary War veteran
931. Hannah (Perkins) Shaw ~ their daughters: Hannah Shaw (465), Mary Shaw (467)
932. Capt. Barnabas Shurtleff
933. Jemima (Adams) Shurtleff ~ their son: Francis Shurtleff (466)
936. Stephen Tillson
937. Janet (Murdock) Tillson ~ their son: Ichabod Tillson (468)
938. John Thomas
939. Mercy (Shaw) Thomas ~ their daughter: Azuba Thomas (469)
940. Jeremiah Bump
941. Judith (Randall) Bump ~ their son: Lot Bump (470)
942. Samuel Savery
943. Elizabeth (Bump) Savery ~ their daughter: Abigail Savery (471)
944. Dea. Nathaniel Atwood
945. Mary (—) Atwood ~ their children: Nathaniel Atwood (472), Elizabeth Atwood (1861), Barnabas Atwood (1918)
946. Benoni Shaw
947. Lydia (Waterman) Shaw ~ their daughter: Abigail Shaw (473)
948. Ebenezer Cobb
949. Lydia (Stephens) Cobb ~ their son: John Cobb (474)
950. Robert Cushman
951. Mercy (Washburn) (Cushman) Fuller ~ their daughter: Hannah Cushman (475)
952. Lt. Joseph Lucas
953. Melatiah (Cary) Lucas ~ their son: Barnabas Lucas (476)
954. Nehemiah Pierce
955. Elizabeth (Hanks) Pierce ~ their daughter: Joanna Pierce (477)
956. William Shurtleff
957. Deborah (Ransom) Shurtleff ~ their son: William Shurtleff (478)
958. Elkanah Shaw
959. Elizabeth (Atwood) Shaw ~ their daughter: Ruth Shaw (479)
960. Engelbret Olsen ~ b-d. Norway
961. Anna Dorthea Torbiornsdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their son: Tønnes Ingebretsen (480)
962. Kristen Pedersen ~ b-d. Norway
963. Stine Jeppsdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their daughter: Kristin Kristensdatter (481)
964. Kristen Larsen ~ b-d. Norway
965. Kristin Hendriksdatter ~ b-d. Norway ~ their son: Lars Kristensen (482)
966. Ole ~ b-d. Norway ~ his daughter: Maria Olsdatter (483)
976. Jonathan Freeman
977. Thankful (Linnell) Freeman ~ their son: John Freeman (488)
978. Joshua Hopkins
979. Rebecca (Sparrow) Hopkins ~ their daughter: Abigail Hopkins (489)
980. Reuben Cash
981. Zeruiah (Eldridge) Cash ~ their son: Samuel Cash (490)
982. Joseph Phillips
983. Mercy (Small) (Phillips) (Parker) Small ~ their daughter: Patience Phillips (491)
984. Dea. Ammiel Weekes
985. Phebe (Small) Weekes ~ their son: Isaac Weekes (492)
986. Rev. Joshua Nickerson
987. Thankful (Eldridge) Nickerson ~ their daughter: Thankful Nickerson (493)
988. Corp. John Allen
989. Hannah (Paine) Allen ~ their son: Seth Allen (494)
990. James Gage
991. Mercy (Baker) Gage ~ their daughter: Anna Gage (495)
1008. Jacob Baker
1009. Thankful (Chase) Baker ~ their son: Daniel Baker (504)
1010. Ebenezer Gage
1011. Dorcas (Crowell) Gage ~ their daughter: Temperance Gage (505)
1012. Edward Crowell
1013. Elizabeth (Baker) Crowell ~ their son: Edward Crowell (506)
1014. James Cahoon
1015. Rebecca (Eldridge) Cahoon ~ their daughter: Thankful Cahoon (507)

Generation 11 – Our 7th-Great-Grandparents (1024-2047)
1152. Gov. Andrew Hamilton ~ b. Scotland ~ Governor of colonial New Jersey
1153. Marie (Chalmers) Hamilton ~ b. Scotland ~ their son: John Hamilton (576)
1240. Dea. John Kyle ~ b. Scotland ~ settlers of Windham, New Hampshire
1241. Mary (—) Kyle ~ b. Scotland ~ their son: John Kyle (620)
1456. Joseph Minor
1457. Grace (Turner) Minor ~ their son: Ezekiel Minor (728)
1504. David Huntley
1505. Mary (Munsell) Huntley ~ their son: Ezekiel Huntley (752)
1864. Capt. William Shurtleff
1865. Susanna (Lothrop) Shurtleff ~ their son: Barnabas Shurtleff (932)
1874. John Murdock
1875. Ruth (Bartlett) Murdock ~ their daughter: Janet Murdock (937)
1888. John Atwood ~ he arrived c. 1637 ~ settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts
1889. Sarah (Masterton) Atwood ~ she arrived 1629 on the second Mayflower ~ their son: Nathaniel Atwood (944)
1912. Abiel Shurtleff
1913. Lydia (Barnes) Shurtleff ~ their children: William Shurtleff (956), Lydia Shurtleff (1919)
1918. Barnabas Atwood
1919. Lydia (Shurtleff) Atwood ~ their daughter: Elizabeth Atwood (959)
1952. Lt. Edmund Freeman
1953. Sarah (Sparrow) Freeman ~ their son: Jonathan Freeman (976)
1956. Joshua Hopkins
1957. Priscilla (Curtis) Hopkins ~ their son: Joshua Hopkins (978)
1968. George Weekes
1969. Deborah (Wing) Weekes ~ their son: Ammiel Weekes (984)
1998. Joseph Crowell
1999. Sarah (Howes) Crowell ~ their daughter: Sarah Crowell (999)

Generation 12 – Our 8th-Great-Grandparents (2048-4095)
2914. Ezekiel Turner
2915. Susanna (Keeney) (Turner) Minor ~ their daughter: Grace Turner (1457)
3008. Aaron Huntley ~ settlers of Lyme, Connecticut
3009. Mary (Champion) Huntley ~ their son: David Huntley (1504)
3728. William Shurtleff ~ he arrived c. 1634 ~ settlers of Plymouth & Marshfield, Massachusetts
3729. Elizabeth (Lettice) (Shurtleff) (Cook) Cole ~ their sons: William Shurtleff (1864), Abiel Shurtleff (1912)
3750. Benjamin Bartlett
3751. Ruth (Peabody) Bartlett ~ their daughter: Ruth Bartlett (1875)
3904. Lt. Edmund Freeman
3905. Sarah (Mayo) Freeman ~ their son: Edmund Freeman (1952)
3906. Richard Sparrow
3907. Mercy (Cobb) Sparrow ~ their children: Sarah Sparrow (1953), Richard Sparrow (1958)
3912. Joshua Hopkins
3913. Mary (Cole) Hopkins ~ their children: Joshua Hopkins (1956), Hannah Hopkins (1979)
3998. Jeremiah Howes
3999. Mary (Daggett) Howes ~ their daughter: Sarah Howes (1999)

Generation 13 – Our 9th-Great-Grandparents (4096-8191)
5828. John Turner ~ he arrived 1632 ~ settlers of Scituate, Massachusetts
5829. Mary (Brewster) Turner ~ their son: Ezekiel Turner (2914)
6016. John Huntley ~ he arrived c. 1647 ~ settlers of Lyme, Connecticut
6017. Jane (—) Huntley ~ their son: Aaron Huntley (3008)
7500. Benjamin Bartlett
7501. Sarah (Brewster) Bartlett ~ their son: Benjamin Bartlett (3750)
7808. Maj. John Freeman ~ he arrived 1635 on the Abigail ~ settlers of Eastham, Massachusetts
7809. Mercy (Prence) Freeman ~ their children: Edmund Freeman (3904), Patience Freeman (3957), Mercy Freeman (7519)
7812. Capt. Jonathan Sparrow ~ he arrived 1632 ~ settlers of Eastham, Massachusetts
7813. Hannah (Prence) (Mayo) Sparrow ~ their son: Richard Sparrow (3906)
7824. Giles Hopkins ~ he arrived 1620 on the Mayflower ~ settlers of Yarmouth & Eastham, Massachusetts
7825. Catherine (Whelden) Hopkins b. England ~ their sons: Joshua Hopkins (3912), Stephen Hopkins (7820)
7996. Jeremiah Howes
7997. Sarah (Prence) Howes ~ their son: Jeremiah Howes (3998)

Generation 14 – Our 10th-Great-Grandparents (8192-16383)
11658. Jonathan Brewster ~ he arrived 1621 on the Fortune ~ settlers of Duxbury, Massachusetts & Preston, Connecticut
11659. Lucretia (Oldham) Brewster ~ she arrived 1623 on the Anne ~ their daughter: Mary Brewster (5829)
15002. Love Brewster ~ he arrived 1620 on the Mayflower ~ settlers of Duxbury, Massachusetts
15003. Sarah (Collier) (Brewster) Park ~ she arrived 1629 on the Mayflower II ~ their daughter: Sarah Brewster (7501)
15616. Edmund Freeman ~ he arrived 1635 on the Abigail ~ settler of Sandwich, Massachusetts
15617. Bennett (Hodsoll) Freeman ~ b-d. England ~ their son: John Freeman (7808)
15618. Gov. Thomas Prence ~ he arrived 1621 on the Fortune ~ Governor of Plymouth Colony ~ settler of Plymouth & Eastham, Massachusetts
15619. Patience (Brewster) Prence ~ she arrived 1623 on the Anne ~ settler of Plymouth, Massachusetts ~ their daughters: Mercy Prence (7809), Hannah Prence (7813)
15648. Stephen Hopkins ~ he arrived 1620 on the Mayflower ~ settler of Plymouth, Massachusetts
15649. Mary (—) Hopkins ~ b-d. England ~ their children: Giles Hopkins (7824), Constance Hopkins (15827)
15994. [same as 15618. Gov. Thomas Prence] ~ his daughter: Sarah Prence (7997)

Generation 15 – Our 11th-Great-Grandparents (16384-32767)
23316. William Brewster ~ they arrived 1620 on the Mayflower ~ settlers of Plymouth, Massachusetts
23317. Mary (—) Brewster ~ their children: Jonathan Brewster (11658), Love Brewster (15002), Patience Brewster (15619)

Last Revised: 9 November 2024