Wife of
Rufus Hill,
Died July 3, 1877.
Aged 79 Years 2 Mo.
& 11 Ds.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
do it with thy might for there is no work,
no device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,
in the grave whither thou goest.
My 3rd-great-grandfather, Rufus Hill, son of Robinson & Lydia (—) Hill, was born in February 1799 in Groton, Connecticut, and died 10 March 1881 in Stonington, Connecticut. He married 24 December 1826 in Stonington, Lydia White, who was born there 22 April 1798, and died there 3 July 1877, daughter of Oliver & Lydia (—) White.
Lydia & Rufus were the parents of two children:
1. Rufus S. Hill, born c. 1839. In the 1860 he was 21 years old, a farmer, and living with his parents.
2. Ellen C. Hill (my 2nd-great-grandmother), born c. 1844. She married 30 October 1860 in Old Mystic, Connecticut, her first cousin, William Martin White, who was born 15 November 1836 in Stonington, and died 18 November 1925 in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, son of Austin & Lucy Ann (Thompson) White. Ellen & William were divorced on 26 September 1876.

Last Revised: 31 August 2024