While video chatting with our son and daughter-in-law they mentioned an open space property where they used to love hiking when they lived up here. (They live in Georgia now.) So we set about finding Avery Tract the next day. The highlight of our adventure was spotting this scarlet tanager!

If you squint you can see “NATURE SANCTUARY” written into the cement on the landing. Our only clue that we found the property.

The trail quickly started going downhill towards the Thames River and the New England Central Railroad tracks.

We turned around and headed back up the hill, trying to get some pictures of the scarlet tanager who was flying from treetop to treetop. He was very elusive! All taken with the telephoto lens.

The scarlet tanager sighting was definitely the most exciting part of my day!

Since I am getting frustrated trying to identify mosses online I just ordered a field guide book to mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. And since I have no idea what liverworts and hornworts are it looks like I have a lot to learn.

Another hour long walk. Lots of huffing and puffing coming back up the hill but it was all worth the effort. Until next time…