a blessing of spring

image credit: diapicard at pixabay

When the Spring is in the offing,
And the early birds are freezing,
When one-half the folks are coughing,
And the other half are sneezing;
When the sun is getting higher,
Though the fact’s hard to remember;
And you huddle by the fire
Twice as cold as in December;
Life and all its cares would crush us,
Floor us in a brace of shakes,
If it weren’t for the luscious
Maple syrup on the cakes.

But a fellow keeps postponing
Day by day his preparation
For the final telephoning
For old Charon’s transportation.
Though he knows the Spring is lying
And his grippe is undiminished,
Still he does put off his dying
Till that can of syrup’s finished.
Then, at last, the north winds waver,
And the sleeping Spring awakes;
But we know the true lifesaver
Was the syrup on the cakes!

~ Walter G. Doty
(The Christian Advocate, March 22, 1917)

9 thoughts on “a blessing of spring”

  1. It might be spring officially, but here, it still feels cold and gray to me. And don’t get me started on the high winds! Happy Spring Equinox to you, Barbara.

  2. Maple syrup is my addiction that I put in my morning coffee. I think those buckets are very interesting and the poem is lovely. Hope your first day of spring is as sweet as maple syrup!

  3. That was a fun poem Barbara. I remember your post about visiting where they make the maple syrup and you showed the tree taps too. I wanted to see this at Oakwoods Metropark when it was advertised, but we had that ice storm – next year hopefully will be a tamer Winter. Happy Spring Equinox to you!

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