17 thoughts on “silent sunday”

  1. What a cutie pie Barbara. Looking around and pondering where to find the perfect spot to dig for grubs when you happened along. I used to see one at the Park, but haven’t seen him around in a few years. I named him Dempsey.

    1. There are quite a few woodpeckers that hang around near the feeders at the botanical garden so it would be impossible to identify and name them. Maybe if I sat there all day studying their individual behaviors and unique markings. I’m afraid to sit in the bird blind in case of bug bites, but Tim sits there all the time. I love the birds who are on the tree trunks and branches nearby.

      1. I would not want bug bites either, especially you, after what you dealt with last year with the spider bites. I laughed at Jocelyn Anderson’s Downy Woodpecker jumping up from beneath her hand and scaring the Tufted Titmouse.

        1. I am amazed at the bird antics Jocelyn manages to catch on her cameras. Like the blue jays ‘having a mid-flight discussion.’ 🙂

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