by Edvard Munch
The Clock strikes One
That just struck Two —
Some Schism in the Sum —
A Sorcerer from Genesis
Has wrecked the Pendulum —
~ Emily Dickinson
(The Poems of Emily Dickinson, #1598)
The Clock strikes One
That just struck Two —
Some Schism in the Sum —
A Sorcerer from Genesis
Has wrecked the Pendulum —
~ Emily Dickinson
(The Poems of Emily Dickinson, #1598)
Great pairing for those of us dealing with the nonsense of time changing and the turning our clocks back to accommodate social order rather than the nature order leaving us in grumpy moods for about a week while our bodies adjust.
I have not seen this painting by Edvard Munch. I would have enjoyed knowing exactly what he had wanted this painting to say in his own words. Like many people, I often confuse his works of art with Vincent Van Gogh.
Thank you, Teri. It is definitely an adjustment, a little like jet lag. Being a morning person I prefer standard time because I like the extra daylight early in the day, but I think I’m in the minority with that inclination.
The Munch painting was new to me, too. I love browsing WikiArt, they keep adding paintings, some come from private collections and are rarely seen.
Wrecking the pendulum is so right! And all these time-changing efforts merely succeed in wrecking our bodies and minds. Poor Monk, too, is flummoxed by seeing dark when it should be light … and vice versa.
I imagine some pets and farm animals get confused with a change in their feeding times, too. Lucky are the animals living in the wild who don’t have to deal with our notions of time — they get to follow their own internal clocks!
Though it is a bother changing the clocks twice a year, I always welcome the return of the sun getting up earlier as to walking (especially since I don’t go out again once I’m home, nor out after dark) … yes, I have more time in the morning now I am retired, but I still like getting up and at ’em early. Last night I did a dumb thing. I was reading a book just before bed and got heavy eyes. I decided just to adjust the alarm clocks (I have three small ones) all set 1/2 hour apart, the latter two for back-up alarms, a practice I started when I first started taking the bus to school, then work. So instead of putting the clock hands back, I put the alarm back an hour. I was out in the kitchen at five minutes to four.
Me, too, as a morning person I love having more light at the start of the day and don’t mind at all tucking in early for the evening hours. Lol — well, you certainly got an extra early start for your Sunday morning!!! It’s been years since I set an alarm because I’m such an early bird I never oversleep. The only time I used to set an alarm was if I had to catch an early flight for a trip. Even then, I would usually wake up before the alarm went off. But I can’t stay awake in the evening and regularly fall asleep watching TV or reading a book.
I’ve always been a morning person, but do rely on the alarms and don’t use a snooze alarm, but the different alarm clocks, just the small cube type, like you would use on a trip. If I want to read, I have to sit up straight in a chair and even then if I feel myself nodding off, I put the book away before I drop it on the floor. I have never been able to read in bed, even when I was younger, because even sitting up straight with pillows behind me, I will nod off. I wish you could have seen the look on my face when I realized what I did on Sunday morning. 🙂
Me, too! 🙂
When I was a child I had trouble getting to sleep at night. I used to sneak a flashlight under the covers and read my books to soothe myself to sleep. Sometimes I’d wake up and the flashlight would still be shining.
Reading in bed is a very tranquil way to fall asleep, so apparently that flashlight and book worked for you! I keep hearing that we should shut off our computers (or devices) one hour before going to bed as it is better for our sleep.