20 thoughts on “silent sunday”

  1. I planted this same color of azalea bushes along the front of our house when I lived in Austin TX. And I married my childhood sweetheart in the Zilker Park Azalea Garden. Your photo brought back sweet memories of that time in my life.

    I’m glad that you have the azalea at your NC home!

    1. Getting married in an azalea garden sounds magical! And since they bloom for a few weeks it must have made it easier to plan and choose a good date. Spring weddings can be so beautiful. Do you have any azaleas where you are living now? I don’t remember having any in the garden where I grew up.

      1. If I remember correctly, azaleas require an acidic soil. So your pines offer what they want. I would have had to dig and haul in peat and continue to replenish the soil. My old bay front neighborhood is clay soil with a majority of oak trees here and scattered varieties that people have planted. These houses have were built back in 1930-40’s. And of course the townhouse that I lived in prior was on the island so that soil was sand and palm trees. I had the strength back then to do flower pots as it was a patio home with no grass.

        I have not seen any azaleas, but people with money and strength could certainly plant azaleas and maintain them with care. They would have to be covered when we get the hard freezes each year a few times.

        On our street a lot of people use tons of flower pot containers instead of trying to dig into the tough clay and then having to replace each year it freezes. I opt to have no bushes because I don’t want the physical work anymore to maintain them or the costs. I have grass St Augustine that I pay a man to mow for me. I there are two oaks in the front that are about 50 years old. I don’t even bother with flower containers because of the cost and work. It’s enough for me to do my housekeeping.

        I relax around my home in my old age of retirement years and take leisurely walks in the neighborhood and the bay front with my Yorkie. That might sound boring to some people, but that is what I like to do now. I had to slow down after my hospitalization in the ICU for 12 days in January 2023 when I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The medication routine is rough and I tire quickly. So relaxing, lowering stress is now my program of life.

        1. The way you spend your days, your program of life, does not sound boring to me at all. I’m not motivated to do gardening any longer, although I used to enjoy it years ago. I much prefer walking and enjoying the gardens other people tend to. 🙂 As I keep telling others, it’s all I can do to take care of myself these days and, after years of endless caregiving of people, plants and pets I don’t have the bandwidth to do it any more!

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