Groundhog Day, Courtyard Gardens
partly cloudy, occasional shadows

This morning we took our groundhogs, Basil & Oregano, to the botanical garden to introduce them to their new home. Sometimes they saw their shadows and sometimes they didn’t. Maybe there will be only three more weeks of winter?

promising spring
I’ve decided to use the scene in the first picture for Karma’s “same location for all 4 seasons” photo hunt. Because Groundhog Day falls between the winter solstice and the spring equinox I think I will make this into an 8 season effort, including May Day, First Harvest and Halloween, which fall between the other solstices and equinoxes. If you want to join in please see Karma’s instructions at the end of this post HERE at Karma’s When I Feel Like It Blog.
Your groundhogs, Basil & Oregano, sure are cute with their prediction of only three more weeks of winter where you live, Barbara!
Though I’m sure it’s six more weeks of winter where we live. We will get some “false spring” days in the mix of winter days.
Thank you, TD! It’s interesting, I looked at a chart of average February high temperatures for this NC county and compared them with average highs in the CT county I came from. February here is like late March and early April back in CT, which is why we’re getting daffodils now and why it feels like spring here already!
Are you sure those are groundhogs? They look like beavers to me! At any rate, they’re cute little fellas (though I take their prognostication with a grain of salt!) The weather people here keep telling us what a “mild” winter we’re having, but I think they’re counting on most of us to have amnesia when we compare this to previous winters.
Beavers and groundhogs look remarkably alike, don’t they? But I assure you, these guys have the short, bushy tail of a groundhog and not the flat, rudder-like tail of a beaver! (I don’t take their forecasting seriously, either, but I like having a little fun with my stuffies on this day. 😉 ) I guess what passes for a mild winter depends on how it is measured and defined…
I’d be happy with a mild winter … if it would only kill off the nasty bugs (fleas, ticks, etc.)!
I feel the same way, the absence of bugs is one of winter’s greatest blessings!
Perfect photo op of the day! 🙂
Thank you, Eliza! 🙂
Your groundhogs are so cute! I don’t think we have any here, so it is lovely to “meet” Basil and Oregano. 🙂
As you wish for just three more weeks of winter, I wish the same of summer! Lol.
Basil & Oregano — the little one used to be Basil, Jr. but Tim decided Oregano goes well with Basil and he deserves his own identity — brighten up the winter days for us. Wishing you a nice early autumn! 🙂
Good idea, Tim! 😍
Your groundhogs are very cute! I agree that we definitely could get mixed messages from rodent meteorologists. Punxsutawney Phil said early spring, but what does he know, lol? Sounds like you have a great interpretation of the seasonal photo hunt!
Thanks, Karma! Apparently North Carolina’s groundhog, Sir Walter Wally, retired after his last prediction in 2023. However, Snerd the Garner has predicted an early spring. From my New England perspective, though, spring has already sprung here!
I literally busted out a laugh at the ‘definitely shadows’ shot! Well played, Barbara!
🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Donna! That sun was going in and out so fast it was a challenge to get a shot during the few moments it was shining. 🌤️
This is great Barbara – you mentioned your groundhogs last week in comments … I like how you posed them in different places at this venue. Perfect and yes, that was definitely shadows they saw. 🙂
Thank you, Linda. 🙂 It was a challenge getting that picture because the sun kept going in and out. We’d see a patch of sunshine and by the time we’d get to it and set them up it would be gone again. 🌤️
It was very cute and clever. The sun sometimes … it was a good shadow day today. Embracing it as I know Winter isn’t over yet.
I’m glad you got a good shadow day to enjoy before winter sets in once again. ☀️
Unfortunately it’s returning … this was just a great day – 60 degrees! Tomorrow it may rain (always in the morning of course) but Saturday is fine mid-day. I prefer the mornings though.