His Feet are shod with Gauze —
His helmet, is of Gold,
His Breast, a single Onyx
With Chrysophras, inlaid —
His Labor is a Chant —
His Idleness — a Tune —
Oh, for a Bee’s experience
Of Clovers, and of Noon!
~ Emily Dickinson
(The Poems of Emily Dickinson, #979)

Many thanks to Sally, for letting me photograph in her garden!
Beautiful images always😍
Thank you, Leelah. I hope you’re doing well. 💜
That’s a very nice combo Barbara.
Thank you, TD. 🙂
Delightful. I like your photos and ED’s verse. A perfect combo.
Thank you, Ally. I’ve been waiting for a chance to use that poem!
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Julie! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
What a busy little bee you have captured here Barbara. Not only the bee, but the flowers and poetry make this a perfect late Summer post.
Thank you, Linda! That poem has been waiting in the wings for a photo op. 🙂
It was perfect to pair with your busy bee!
Busy as a bee ought to be! Beautiful flowers for this bee — and us — to enjoy!
What would our world be without all the hard work these busy little bees do for us!