Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love — that makes life and nature harmonize. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one’s very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
~ George Eliot
(Letter to Maria Lewis, October 1, 1841)
~ autumn equinox ~
(2:49 am eastern time zone)
Thank you!
Beautiful combo of image and poem. I like the idea of being a bird who constantly searches for autumn.
Thank you, Ally. I also like the idea of birds consulting about their migrations. Especially the Canada geese.
Thanks for sharing that description of an autumn day.
You’re welcome, Liz. It’s one of my favorite quotes. 🍁
Very nice pairing Barbara. We are having gorgeous weather here – hope it is not bad in your part of North Carolina. I’ve been hearing about stormy weather. The meteorologist said we had the 10th wettest Summer on record with 15 inches of rain (we usually get 10 inches).
Thank you, Linda. I’m so happy to hear you’re having gorgeous weather up there!!! It’s about time! 🙂 We only got brushed by Tropical Storm Ophelia as it went by, maybe an inch of rain. About like a New England nor’easter. Looking forward to a pleasant week ahead — yay!
Yes, beautiful today as well – some rain off and on this week unfortunately. But with such a stellar weekend, no complaints. Our warm weather extending into October due to El Nino is nice too. I’m glad to hear you only got brushed by Opelia. Enjoy your week of pleasant weather … Fall has been a favorite time of year for me as long as I can remember.
I think we will enjoy it, even though we have medical appointments and the new covid booster shots on the calendar. Lets hope the side effects are minimal and don’t spoil anything. Looking forward to hearing about your fall squirrel adventures and seeing pictures of the leaves changing color in your favorite parks. 🙂
Hope those Covid shots don’t play spoiler with your (finally) nice cool weather Barbara. I am looking forward to Fall and frolicking squirrels and photo ops from the colorful leaves as a backdrop.
Keeping my fingers crossed. This @#$% stomach bug has already gobbled up a few days of lovely walking weather. I’m not looking forward to the covid booster on Friday. Here’s to making the best of things!
I hate that your bug lingers on and spoils the lovely walking weather and I don’t blame you for not looking forward to the Covid booster – it is the only shot that has made me nauseous and overly tired. Make the best of things because that shot will keep you able to enjoy the upcoming holiday get togethers, now in person this year, instead of by phone or by Zoom visits. Did you do Zoom visits Barbara? I have never used Zoom before.
They cancelled my vaccine appointment again so now I have a new one scheduled at a different pharmacy on Wednesday. I’m wondering what gives… We did do Zoom visits during the pandemic and more recently I saw my nephew get married on Zoom, too. But mostly I use Skype or Google Chat.
Hmm – that’s odd. When I went for my Covid shot in the Fall of 2022, I had to go to a different pharmacy in a different city as they were booked up at my CVS for a month. I am not eligible for the shot until November 19th. I wonder if I should book it six weeks in advance? I’ve not used Skype, Google Chat or Zoom … I’d better get on the tech bandwagon. In fairness to myself, I have no relatives to chat with or I might have learned how. Something odd happened to me last Thursday. I text to my former handyman from my computer to his cellphone. Because he is legally blind, he has given all his business to his son-in-law. So I had been texting him and suddenly I get blank messages from him. He had to get on his e-mail and I enlarged the font to 18 or 24 point so he can read it … I have no idea what Comcast has done but I cleared my cookies thinking it was that … hopefully that is the issue.
Oh dear, I hope the tech glitch with your handyman’s texts got figured out. It’s so frustrating when that stuff doesn’t work and no one seems able to fix it. I hope they don’t cancel my covid shot tomorrow… I feel like I’m slipping through the cracks… You may as well schedule yours in advance — it can’t hurt and if supplies run low at least you’ll already be in line.
The texting situation still isn’t working Barbara which is too bad. I have been carbon copying him at his e-mail address, but then he has to go online to respond. He is legally blind, so I would think it’s easier to read messages on his computer screen (he has a larger one) than his phone but still. Today I sent a test text from my computer and it went through; he responded from the phone but it showed up with a blank response again.
On the news this morning they said the pharmacies cannot keep up with people signing up for Covid boosters because enough serum has not been distributed to pharmacies like CVS yet, so they are rescheduling patients, so that is a very good idea.
Yesterday he sent me another text and it was okay, so I replied “I think it is working again!” Now it is fine. There was a glitch somewhere whether at T-mobile or at Comcast, I am not sure. But I am glad I can communicate again.
Perfect pairing for October 1st, Barbara. I like this painting with the enormous trees and tiny human. Including the letter with the topic of the birds bought it all together for me. If I were a bird…
Thank you, TD, I’m happy you enjoyed the combination. It’s going to be interesting to see what autumn will be like down south here, and which birds will migrate to or from this neck of the woods.