poetry of the wild

6.11.22 ~ Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Connecticut

When I read about a new Poetry of the Wild outdoor sculpture installation at the Lyman Allyn Art Museum it seemed like a great opportunity for a “new” place walk. So off we went, four days after Tim’s surgery. It’s hard to believe how much energy he has now!

close up of mini-garden by the entrance to the museum

It was one of those beautiful June days with bright sunshine, blue skies, greenery everywhere, low humidity and perfect temperatures. To get to the sculptures and poetry we walked down a grassy hill, enjoyed the antics of a catbird (they’re everywhere this summer!), crossed a picturesque wooden bridge and found ourselves in a lovely garden.

garden at the rear of the Deshon-Allyn House
rear of the Deshon-Allyn House
gray catbird

It’s hard to see in the pictures below but part of the sculpture is branches growing up out of the chairs. It’s difficult to distinguish them from the branches of the tree behind them.

“Forest Dialogue” by Ana Flores

There were three poems on display like the one below but because of the angle of the sunlight the camera couldn’t capture the other two. But this poem touched me, especially at this point in our lives when it would be nice to find it possible to live it all over again.

“I Will Want to Love You” by Michael Bradford
American robin
tulip tree blossoms
tulip tree blossom
summer sky
red maple seeds
buttercup and bug

I ask you to pass through life at my side to be my second self and best earthly companion.
~ Charlotte Brontë
(Jane Eyre)

When the hot an hazy days of summer land on us it will be nice to think back on this lovely day shared with my best friend. ❤️

33 thoughts on “poetry of the wild”

  1. What a lovely post. Your pictures are wonderful. I loved the poem. My husband and I will be married 60 years in August. There is a song “I’d choose You Again” that I sing to him now and then. It’s great to make a connection with your spouse that starts and ends with a lasting love. So gladf your Tim has has energy back.

    1. Thank you so much, Peggy. Congratulations for 60 years of marriage! My grandparents were married for 66 years when my grandmother died and we think it would be wonderful to follow in their footsteps. 🙂 (Only 47 years so far for us.) I love that you can sing to your husband — I can’t carry a tune!

    1. Thank you, Frank! It’s a relief to know we will have a few more walks and more exploring ahead of us.

  2. What a wonderful jaunt this was! So happy your hubby’s pacemaker is working so well. I had to sigh when I saw the Red Maple seeds. We had one of those trees, but oddly, it just died. Never bloomed out this year. Never gave any indication anything was amiss either. And it was fairly young, too. Sigh.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! So sorry about your red maple. I can relate to your experience. My river birch is showing signs of distress (losing leaves and twigs) now after thriving since we planted it about 8 years ago, and I don’t know what to do about it. I wish trees could tell us what was bothering them…

  3. Awww! What was in the box above the poem? So glad to hear about Tim’s renewed energy. Here, tulip trees are called tulip poplars. Looks like the same thing.

    1. Nothing in the box, it’s open to the greenery behind it. 🙂 Interesting, the tulip tree/tulip poplar isn’t related to the poplars, but then again, it’s not related to tulips either. 😉 It is great having Tim full of energy once again. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Eliza! It was a lovely day and the place felt like the setting of a Victorian novel. 🙂

  4. I’m delighted that you found an art museum with a gorgeous garden for taking short walks and exploring the arts! The poem adds a bit of romance to the moment. Lovely, engaging, and interesting post, Barbara!

    Ultimately, I found that the beauty of the nature is the greatest works of art. I guess I always have. As I studied fine art, most of my creations derived from nature. I love being introduced to the tulip tree blossoms as I’ve never seen or heard of them.

    1. It was fun exploring the museum grounds. Back in the 1990s we used to come here to take our son to art lessons inside the museum, but that was years ago. There’s a huge Victorian dollhouse inside the museum, too, which my daughter enjoyed looking at while we were waiting for her brother. If our covid numbers go down enough perhaps I can bring my granddaughter to see it one of these days.
      Some of the range maps for tulip trees include Texas but most of them do not. I agree, I think nature inspires the most beautiful art creations.

  5. Such a beautiful post and beautiful venue Barbara. What a great idea to put poetry onto Plexiglass into a garden and natural setting. I like the chairs/sculpture idea as well. Such a nice place to visit, just four days post-surgery and your last paragraph and the Bronte poem, a tribute to the love of your life, makes this trip and post even more memorable. Enjoy the cooler days for these jaunts before the blistering heat keeps you housebound.

    1. We have to make the best of the days in June before the muggies get here for good. This setting was so magical, like the setting of a Victorian novel or a BBC Masterpiece Theatre production. Add a bit of poetry and some whimsical sculptures and we were transported to another time and place… It was amazing to have Tim walk down and back up that hill without the huffing and puffing. I just hope he’s not doing too much too soon but I can’t keep him quiet. He’s raring to go!

      1. It did look like a magical place to visit Barbara. The whole post was whimsical and looked to be fun. Too bad the doctor didn’t suggest the pacemaker for Tim long before this – well, maybe not during COVID’s highly infectious period since there was an overnight stay involved. Since your COVID rates are going down, you two could mall walk early in the morning if that is an option to still walk, but stay cool.

        1. A mall walk wouldn’t work for him because walking on flat surfaces hurts his back and hips. We purposely look for uneven terrain so different muscles get used with each step. Walking across the sand at the beach works very well and in a pinch we can go at dawn, before the heat of the day is upon us. (More bird activity at dawn, too!)

          1. That’s interesting Barbara … I do know they say walking barefoot helps exercise your calves. Yes, that’s what I did yesterday – it was still hot, but no humidity – that’s what you have today (Saturday). I was at the Park, then down to the River early to beat the heat. I didn’t make it to WordPress last night – the walking and heat wore me out. 🙂 Today was gorgeous – one more day, then back to the oven again.

          2. Being close to the shore it was on the cool side here this weekend, even needed my jacket during the day, but I understand inland Connecticut did get some of your heat on Saturday. I’m kind of amazed that we haven’t even turned on the air conditioning yet this year. But I’m sure those days will arrive sooner or later. 🙂 Enjoy those low humidity days when you can! Haven’t gone barefoot at the beach yet this summer, either…

  6. I like tulip trees and there are few around here. Your photos are beautiful. The whimsical chairs are a delight. More gardens should have them. It’s hotter than Hades around here now so seeing something this cool is wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Ally. We seem to have an abundance of tulip trees around here. The older ones are pretty majestic and it’s hard to see up high enough to notice the blossoms. I’ve heard about your heat on the news — I hope you’re managing to stay cool and comfortable.

  7. Your pictures make me want to leave Florida for cooler climes. I have a hike planned for tomorrow an I’m bracing myself for a hot, humid day.

    1. I think I’m grateful that the heat and humidity are taking their time getting here this year. I hope your hike wasn’t too unbearable and that you were able to enjoy it.

  8. What a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature and the poems. I too loved the poem you shared. Can you imagine if we could get a do-over? Oh, the knowledge I have now would be so helpful in those teen years. The bumble bee is super cute.

      1. Thank you, Suz! It is difficult to look back without a flood of regrets but I suppose we can take comfort in the fact that most of us feel the same way about our teen years. Fortunately, though, I would choose the same life partner if I had a do-over so there’s that at least. 🙂

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