The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of awakening life. This murmur arose from all the land, fraught with the joy of living. … Squirrels were chattering, birds singing, and overhead honked the wild-fowl driving up from the south in cunning wedges that split the air.
~ Jack London
(The Call of the Wild)
I love that—the great spring murmur. And it will get louder and louder as the months progress and spring peepers begin croaking. 💗
Looking forward to hearing the first spring peepers soon. But yesterday morning I woke up to the first mourning dove cooing at about 3:30 am. 💕
What a cute squirrel. Love the words by Jack London.
I wish I could get such a good picture of a squirrel! I love the expression on its face. I read the “The Call of the Wild” to my children at bedtime one winter. We were all mesmerized.
“The Call of the Wild” is a great book.
Yay, Spring!
Here’s to enjoying it while it lasts!
The star of the show is extra cute Barbara. 🙂 I like Jack Wild and read that book many moons ago and I think after seeing that quotation that I’d like to read it again.
We hear lots of squirrels chatter this spring, but so far they have eluded my attempts to photograph them. 😊 I fondly remember reading “The Call of the Wild” out loud to my children one winter, as you say, many moons ago…
So many nice nature stories I enjoyed as a child too – I never had children, but that would have been on my reading list for them for sure. The squirrels are always on the move and I often come home with pictures of just a tail or missing a snout!
I have a feeling you could create a young children’s book with the pictures you have of your squirrels and other creatures. You have a gift for narrative and storytelling that would combine to make a delightful book.
Thank you for saying that Barbara – that made my day. I do love to tell stories of my encounters in my posts … I think it would be fun to write about the creatures I see every day and give them names. It would be fun – maybe something to do when retired?
Sounds like a great retirement plan! 😊
What a beautiful quote and a sweet photo of Mr. Squirrel.
Thank you, Suz! 😊 I love pairing words and pictures. ♡