Our goat friends Addie, Crackers, Chai and Brie have a new sidekick who we got to meet yesterday. Betsy is much smaller than Chai and Brie, even though she is the same age as they are, nine months old. She had a rough start in life but now she has a good home and new companions. And she has her tail up more and more often these days.

Since our last visit we learned that the holiday tree we brought the gang was polished off in no time. See that story here.

Betsy loves eating grass most of all and is not as interested in grain or goat cracker offerings.

Betsy is in very good hands now! π And we had a lovely afternoon catching up with friends. Back at home, I was delighted to find that spring had arrived in my garden.

Oh that made me grin! an what a shot of Tim and Betsy – that’s a winner, Barbara
Thank you, Leelah! I love that shot, too. It shows how petite Betsy is. π
Crocuses!! What a glorious sign of Spring! And that Betsy is such a cutie, with her fuzzy coat. I’m glad she’s found a good home where she can thrive.
Seeing those crocuses was the perfect ending to a perfect spring afternoon! Betsy is so sweet and it’s delightful seeing her enjoy all her new life has to offer. π
What a fun time you had with friends, goats and the horse. Goats are nice little animals to have around. Ah I see that Crocus – it is beautiful. Think Spring is taking hold here too.
There’s no stopping springtime now, Peggy! Next thing we might see is daffodils. But first we will visit a sugarhouse this weekend and watch them make some maple syrup. Sure sign of spring. π
We use to live near a farmer in Northern Arkansas who grew cane and made molasses. Very interesting process. I am sure it would be totally different than maple syrup, but things like this are interesting to watch.
It is interesting the different things people can make out of the natural things they find in their own climates. I haven’t tasted molasses in years but I used to love baking with it. Never stopped to consider how it was made. I love that expression, slower than molasses in January…
Molasses is good for cooking. My husband (the country boy) always likes molasses on his pancakes. Yes, I remember using that phrase about slower than Molasses in January. Ha
Too bad I can’t eat pancakes any more — I would love to have tried them with molasses on top. Do they offer molasses with pancakes in restaurants in your area?
It was fun to have you come and meet Betsy. She enjoys the attention. I’m sure she will blossom and be as happy as your crocus.
It was so much fun, Julie. Betsy is a little sweetheart and we look forward to seeing her blossom and flourish under your loving care. π
Adorable kid and gorgeous crocuses!!
Thank you, Donna!! π
Betsy is sooo cute! Beautiful shot of the crocuses. When I was a kid, I loved being the first to spot and report the crocuses in my grandmother’s garden. Then we would celebrate the coming of spring.
Thank you, Anna! There is definitely something exciting about the appearance of the first crocuses. That bright shot of color in the previously drab landscape. No wonder you would celebrate spring after seeing them. π
Love the photos, love the goat names. This is the quality blog content I’m here for!
Thanks, Ally! It’s nice to know some appealing goats who are so much fun to blog about. π
I am falling in-love with these fainting goats! It appears to me that Betsy is also the same breed as her goat mates. I did a little google reading about the breed. Do your friends have them as pets? Betsy is a petite beauty!
I finished the last two CDs of the audiobook. It is a beauty of a story. Although this audiobook is not as poetically written, nor the voice as soothingly gorgeous, as my previous recommendation for you, Barbara, I do think that you would very much enjoy the beauty of the story as it seems so much similar to your interest that you share on your blog.
Happy to see a spot of spring popping up in your own garden. SWEET…
Yes, I would say the goats are very much adored pets. They come when they’re called and display a strong fondness for their guardians. π
I’ve added βThe Secret Keeperβ to my want-to-read list. Are you on goodreads? I think you can connect with me there if you click on the app in my sidebar.
I limit my energy-time to only a handful of personal blogs and only one siblingβs tweets. No apps nor abundance of social media keeps my mind free.
Sounds like a good plan. Goodreads helps me to remember what I’ve read and what I’d like to read. π
I remember meeting your goat buddies before and getting a kick out of their names. I love the title Barbara – perfect for the “new kid” Betsy. I realized she was small, but standing in the picture with Tim, I then realized just how small she was, not even up to Tim’s knees. I like the twin brown patches on that white fur – what a cutie. An afternoon with the new kid on the block, then crocuses sprouting up – it doesn’t get any better than that Barbara!
Lol! When I came up with that title I thought of you, “that sounds like a title Linda would have on her blog…” I love Betsy’s coloring, too, and tried to get pictures of both her sides, which have different patterns. I finally got the picture of her close to Brie, who is the same age, to further illustrate the size difference. Spring weather will mean a lot more grass for the little one to enjoy and help her grow bigger and healthier.
Ha ha – yes, using “kid” in that title just works so perfectly Barbara! I would definitely have done that as well. π They are all sweet especially Betsy cuddling with her “pet parent” Julie. Soon we won’t be able to keep up with the mowing once the grass is so lush and with this rainy Spring many of us are going to be having, Betsy will be growing big and healthy quickly.
π Ah yes, lawn mowing season is coming soon. Time to get out the ear muffs!
Yes – especially in Spring when people mow twice as often and with this projected rainy Spring, means the mowers growl more as they are taxed to go through wet blades.
I think I’m spoiled because when I was growing up I never heard that awful noise. For our grass, my mother pushed a reel lawn mower by hand and seemed to enjoy it. I suspect it was meditative.
Oh my sweetness. The goats made me smile! I’m so happy that Betsy has a nice home and good friends; it’s what we all need.
I love your crocus. Something I could never grow way down here.
So happy the goats made you smile! π It amazes me that crocuses still keep popping up in my garden. I must have planted them decades ago and then my brother-in-law covered the garden in landscape fabric in 2013 to keep the weeds at bay. It works but somehow some of the crocuses still pop through.
It was nice catching up on your goats–I once visited a friend in California and got to hang with her sweeties. As for the crocus–how exciting to know that spring has truly arrived in your neck of the woods!
It is exciting to finally have spring on its way, although we have to wait until the end of April for the trees to leaf out. Patience, patience, all in good time. Playful goats and pretty bulbs help in the meantime. π