11 am

We still have power. The storm track has just changed again, a little more to the west. The eye, what’s left of it, is over Block Island and is very close to us now. It might make landfall right over us! The tropical storm is disintegrating as it travels over our cooler waters. We’re getting heavy rain and 46 mph winds from the north, which are pushing the the storm surge from our coastline out to Long Island’s north shore. The full moon/high tide/storm surge combo won’t be quite as bad as they thought it could be. It’s fun watching the news people on TV standing outside in familiar spots, getting drenched from the wind-driven rain and with dramatic waves crashing behind them. Honestly, this is no worse than some of our nor’easters — so far.

14 thoughts on “11 am”

    1. Turns out I am enjoying it, Susan! 🙂 Of course, we haven’t lost power. That would probably get to me in no time.

  1. Good news so far and you’re waving your hand as in pfft, comparing it to a routine nor’easter is a good thing. I’ll keep my fingers crossed you don’t lose power.

    1. You know, I don’t think we ever got hurricane-force winds. Since I got to experience the eye of a storm for the first time in my life I’m glad it wasn’t surrounded by stronger winds.

      1. I thought it was interesting about the eye of the hurricane and how quiet and peaceful … certainly not what you envisioned from the news reports beforehand. The apprehension as you wait for it is horrid. We had that severe weather night a month ago and the weather folks kept saying “the severe weather is headed east at 35 mph” and there had been four tornado touchdowns. It’s a horrible feeling. You were lucky.

        1. Yes, we were very lucky. When I see what happened in Rhode Island I feel like we dodged a bullet. The remnants of Henri actually circled around New York and came back through here yesterday (Monday) so we had rain most of the day. But the sun is coming out today and we’re due for another heat/humidity wave followed by a relatively pleasant weekend. Can’t wait to get out for some walks in the fall. Counting the days…

          1. That’s how I felt with that bad evening of storms/four tornadoes. Outside a storm is brewing and I just shut off the A/C and the first pitter patters of rain are falling … this is not the severe storm though. I took my car in for service yesterday – they called at 3:30 and said if I wanted to come in the morning when it was cooler, I could. I had to walk about three-four blocks and cross a busy street and the heat index was 100. They said the storms don’t start until 10:00 a.m., so I’ll go when they open … I don’t want to be caught in that. I feel the same way Barbara. The Fall cannot come quickly enough and I am looking forward to some long walks as well.

          2. All this unpredictable weather sure makes the logistics of daily life a lot more complicated! Keeps us on our toes. 🙂

    1. It was fascinating! I didn’t know what to make of it at first but Tim figured out what was happening.

  2. Oh my! What was Hurricane Henri’s category? We were making our way home to arrive inbetween the previous TS/Hurricane (I cannot remember name) and this HHenri and I’ve been lost in exhaustion and a list of to-do’s a mile long! I’m hoping you did well through this! 😟

    1. Henri was only a category 1 hurricane but I’m pretty sure it was only a tropical storm when it made landfall close to here. I’m glad we were prepared in case it was worse but it felt more like one of our nor’easters. Some places did get some significant flooding, though, from the heavy rain. Have fun getting through your to-do list! 🙂

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