Ugh. Unrelenting tropical humidity… Last night we sat down on our bench at the beach and sweltered… I was hoping to see my gull friend because we hadn’t seen him since the end of June. I miss him sitting on the post in front of us… But it looked like we weren’t going to see any shorebirds so we watched the sailboats going by instead. They were coming in because a thunderstorm was rumbling in the distance.
When we couldn’t take the heat any longer we walked over to a bench in the shade on the other side of Tyler House, and looked out over the rocks and breakwaters. I spotted a tiny little bird way out and strained to make it out. It finally came a little closer.

And, lucky for me, the robin-sized shorebird came even closer! The spotted sandpiper is a new one for me. 🙂

After taking way too many pictures of the sandpiper, most of them blurry and deleted already, I sat down and felt grateful for the sea breeze finally starting to come in from the sound. And then The Captain flew by in front of us! He flew back to the other side of Tyler House and we followed, and sat down on our usual bench. But he wouldn’t come down to his fence post. He stayed up there on that ugly lamp post. There were no children running around this day so I wonder why he won’t come down.

We waited for a good while but he wouldn’t budge. So we started for the car. Looking back at him it looked like he was doing some stretching. Amazing his sense of balance up there!

Good night, dear summer friend! I hope to see you again soon.
Congratulations on a new life bird!
Thank you, Timi! 😊
The sandpiper looks like he’s got freckles on his belly! And I’m glad the gull is doing his exercises — gotta stay limbered up!
Those freckles were pretty cool! I’m told that other sandpipers have streaks or smudges, not spots. I think my gull was reminding me to keep up with my yoga. 😉
I so enjoyed hanging out at the beach with you and your new and old bird friends, Barbara. Is is a pleasant feeling when they come in to join us, isn’t it?
It is definitely a wonderful feeling having shorebird friends at the beach. Their company helps make the miserable summer so much more bearable. 🙂 Thanks for joining us, Jet!
Congratulations on your new bird, the Spotted Sandpiper, Barbara! Wonderful shots, well done!! I felt disappointed for you when you had mentioned you hadn’t seen your gull friend and then suddenly he arrives! Made me smile!! I hope the heat settles down for you, our kids and parents have been telling us it is almost unbearable. We’re doing fine, thank goodness for no humidity out here!
Thank you so much, Donna!!! I’m glad we braved the oppressive humidity and were rewarded with the sightings. 🙂 At the moment I’m envious of your dry air out west there. But your kids and parents are right, it seems even more humid and tropical than it’s been in years past, if that’s possible. We’re supposed to get a break on Thursday so I’ll have to plan some sort of outing to make the most of it. I have a feeling it won’t last long.
I’ve never seen a Spotted Sandpiper but I like the markings on this one and he sure enjoyed posing for you. Despite the horrid humidity you had a fruitful visit to the beach with your Sandpiper and your gull friend, the Captain.
I’m getting spoiled by all these new kinds of birds appearing at our little beach. I bought a book on Connecticut birds and have started keeping track of the ones I see. Will keep on keeping my eyes open for new possibilities!
You’ve had a lot of birds this year. They are all coming out after the COVID lockdown it seems.
I have wondered if the changes in human behavior brought about by the pandemic have affected bird behavior, too.
The shorebirds have likely seen more foot traffic and boat traffic than in the past, that’s for sure. In the Spring, I heard a news story that once again this year, local marine stores could not keep boats in stock as so many people were eager to buy, any style, any color – they weren’t particular. It’s like decks and in-ground pools – pick your pleasure, anything to avoid crowds. The shorebirds likely didn’t like the added boat traffic and it’s likely not people bearing treats for them.
It does seem like there are more boats out on the water these days. I wasn’t sure if it was just my imagination. And apparently the police are extra busy catching up with people boating under the influence…
Barbara – I just saw this story and had to pass it along to you. I always enjoy the Steve Hartman “On the Road” stories … enjoy!
Thank you so much for sharing this, Linda!!! I remember seeing it on TV and it was so wonderful to see this amazing story again. You made my day! 🙂 It’s very nice knowing other people love gulls as much as I do. 💙
Barbara – I really like all of Steve Hartman’s stories … they’re always heartwarming and I knew you’d enjoy this video. That’s interesting you already knew about this “gull-friend relationship” – the similarities with The Captain and the wounded foot and this wounded gull make it all the more interesting. I see you have ordered the book and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading about THAT Captain and his gull as well.
[We are having severe weather this afternoon. I’m going to do a short update post on the last duckling, then shut down again and get some much-needed housework done. Right now it’s cloudy and gray and if it stays like that, the storm’s severity will be diminished. If the sun appears and the temps rise, we will be at risk for 60 mph winds and hail. I’m ready for Fall … Summer has been stormy, hot and humid.]
Sometimes it feels like seeing The Captain at the beach is the only good thing about summer, but I know there are other things if I dig a little deeper. I’m ready for autumn, too!!!
I know what you mean Barbara. I get such joy walking at my small park; today the mowing crew finally showed up. I can’t tell you how awful it looked – all this rain, heat, humidity and they hadn’t mowed in at least a month, likely six weeks. They don’t whack the weeds either and the little woodsy alcove where I took photos of the squirrels and birds, I now can’t see for huge weeds. A squirrel was niblbling on a fungus on the fallen tree trunk. Sad indeed. Hope yesterday’s storm did not impact you.
Well, I guess the positive spin on the weeds in your park might be that they’re good for the butterflies and other pollinators? The storm was mild here, just a lot of rain on Sunday. And then on Monday the humidity and the smoke from the fires out west enveloped us. Sigh…
PS – I just ordered the book. 🙂