Keep me safe and hold me tight
Let the candle burn all night
Tomorrow welcome back the light
It was longest night of the year
We press our faces to the glass
And see our little lives go past
Wave to shadows that we cast
On the longest night of the year
Make a vow when Solstice comes
To find the Light in everyone
Keep the faith and bang the drum
On the longest night of the year
~ Mary Chapin Carpenter
♫ (Longest Night of the Year) ♫
It is worthy of taking such note.
I like staying in tune with the seasons! 🌲
Beautiful verses for the day we transition from darkness to light. Here’s a fitting video for you and your readers on this day. https://youtu.be/zGTILQ7yYV4
Divine music, Frank, thank you for the link. It was a joy to listen to it yesterday and again this morning. 🌲
My pleasure .. and glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Lovely poem indeed.
Thank you, Peggy. 🌲
The painting is stunning! What a nice way to mark the turning of the season.
I thought you might appreciate this painting, Melissa! It took my breath away the first time I saw it. 🌲
Night owls look forward to the longest night of the year, but I’m viewing it as the time we start to GAIN daylight hours! And that means, every day brings us closer to Spring!
It’s definitely the dawn of a new astronomical year, hurray for more daylight now! Looking forward to those bright sunny January afternoons, snowdrops and the promise of spring! 🌲
I take that vow too–to find the light in every one. May it be so. Happy Solstice, Barbara. <3
Finding the light in everyone is the most challenging of pledges to keep but is so worth the effort, I believe. Happy Solstice, Kathy. 🌲
Beautiful verse and photo – I remember you told me you liked Mary Chapin Carpenter. Now we gradually crawl toward Summer, the longest day of the year. I wish we were there now.
Thank you, Linda. I know you’re happy we’re headed in the right direction now, more and more light. Let’s hope the increase in light brings us closer and closer to the end of this dark pandemic, too. 🌲
Both are happy thoughts Barbara – I am buoyed by that thinking, especially as they say we are entering our “darkest hour” and medical experts here in Michigan are begging folks to stay home and not travel at Christmas, they are not heeding that advice. Reporters from my AM news station were interviewing folks at a very crowded Metro Airport this morning, off here, there and everywhere.
I heard our president-elect say yesterday that our darkest days are ahead of us and I know it’s true. The virus is spreading faster than the vaccine can catch up. Some people are listening, though. Fewer people are traveling for Christmas this year than in 2019. Still, too many are ignoring the warnings and will sadly add to the horrifying numbers of deaths. Stubborn, foolish people… They’re only prolonging the agony.
Yes I heard our president-elect say that as well and it was very disheartening. Well at least he did not sugarcoat it did he? Yesterday a radio reporter interviewed happy travelers at Detroit Metro Airport, all jetting off for tropical or warm-weather vacations, like Mexico, an island or two, seemingly without a care in the world. Our sheriff passed away from COVID last Thursday after taking extreme measures not to contract the virus after his brother was on a ventilator 70 days. They say it was an ear infection he had that had him seek a doctor’s care and that was the reason. Zoom calls are best this year for family visits. You can make Zoom calls with no time restriction this year for Christmas and maybe even New Year’s I heard. Meanwhile I’ll hunker down and just go to the Park for the holiday weekend and that depends if it is icy.
He seems to have the honesty and courage to tell us what we need to hear. I’m glad we’ll finally have someone leading us who cares about us and will do what’s needed to protect us. Those who are traveling are playing russian roulette with their lives. They might get away with it but is it really worth the chance? It seems very selfish to me. Anyhow, many are heeding the warnings and staying home. We just don’t see them because they’re not out there talking to reporters! I’m looking forward to some video calls tomorrow, as long as we don’t lose power in the storm…
“Make a vow when Solstice comes – To find the Light in everyone.” Those lines struck me as being very significant, especially during these challenging times. <3
To find the light in everyone is a difficult promise to keep these days, but probably more important than ever. But you’ve just had your shortest night of the year! 🌲
Mary Chaplin Carpenter is always a good choice. May the seed in us that are regenerating within us in the dark be beautiful, fruitful blooms in the spring. Blessings.
Many blessings to you, Sarah! What a lovely thought, seeds regenerating within us to come forth as fruitful blooms in the spring. I’m holding that image in my heart today. 🌲