28 thoughts on “as long as autumn lasts”

  1. Such beauty, and it feels another lesson in being in the moment and not clinging to even something so stunning. Yet fully leaning into it. (It snowed last night. Waiting until first light to see how much…)

    1. Sometimes I wonder if that’s what painters and photographers are trying to do, preserve a moment. Or maybe it is their way of leaning into it. (I saw on my news feed that you were getting snow and was going to ask you about it. Winter is coming…)

      1. We only got a skiff! Two inches closer to town, and then nothing in other places. Phew… and a new weather alert just came out saying 4-8 inches tomorrow to Friday, but little near the lake. We are close to the lake so fingers crossed.

        1. Oh boy, snow-time sounds bound and determined to arrive in your neck of the woods! It was uncomfortably warm and humid here yesterday — I want my cool, crisp autumn air back!

    1. Thank you, James, and welcome to my blog. I caught my first whiff of smoke of the season from someone’s woodstove last week. Autumn delights all the senses!

  2. I am currently following a Autumn-season course with energyworker Prune harris – we leanr how our bodies and energysystems can be alignen with the energies of Autumn. Autumn is my favorite season – the crispness, the red and yellows, the silence. I love the paining you show, Barbara

    1. I hadn’t heard of Prune Harris before so I took a look at her website. She sounds interesting, but very expensive! I’m glad you’re enjoying her autumn energy course. When I could afford it I used to go to a Reiki master who also worked with crystals. I eventually took her class and learned how to give myself Reiki. There are so many approaches to energy work. I find myself very sensitive to the shifts of energy as the seasons change and to the special energy of trees, especially birches. I’m glad you loved the painting. I have quite a few van Gogh fans here. πŸ™‚

  3. I have a soft spot for Van Gogh~he deserved to be far more recognized in his time, I’ve always felt. And I totally agree with him about not having enough canvas and paint to capture all that I see in the fall!

    1. I thought of you when I chose this painting, Melissa, because you expressed your love of van Gogh’s paintings back in September. I’m fond of his words, “If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” I know I go crazy in the fall, taking way too many pictures. There truly is beauty round every bend in the trail.

    1. I’m pretty sure fall is my favorite season, too, although I do think each season has its charms. I often wonder why, though, so many of us are drawn to autumn so intensely.

    1. So true, Linda. It seems like the fall season is over before it gets started. If autumn and spring would only last a bit longer and winter and summer a bit shorter. πŸ™‚ Or maybe it just seems that way.

      1. I agree wholeheartedly and after this very long, very warm Summer, I was ready for cooler weather. At least Summer you don’t have ice/snow driving worries, but Summer was too long this year. Our weather today was crazy! I went out the door to walk and it was 60 and it got to 75 this afternoon. That spike caused a bad thunderstorm and we had an alert for possible tornadic conditions. My weather radio went off twice today. The worst of it was around 4:45 to 5:15. The sensor light on the pole light lit up and it was a greenish color in the sky. The winds were thrashing around. I had planned to go to a few parks tomorrow – from all that torrential rain we had, I’m inclined not to go until Sunday until the road water recedes a little. I’m not taking any chances with flooding as those bigger parks are in rural areas. Plus the grounds and trails will be a mess as we had rain all week.

        1. That sounds like quite a storm! All that uncertainty about the weather leads to plenty of anxious moments and definitely throws a monkey wrench into one’s plans. We have to be flexible… I hope things work out for you on Sunday.

          1. Yes, it was and luckily I did not lose power, but a couple of cities over they did. There were lots of leaves down at Council Point Park, but amazingly not all the leaves were down, so I got more shots yesterday. I decided not to go to the River, even though the two small parks I go are not really walkable (just 1/4 of a mile boardwalk at best) as I thought I might encounter flooding along the way. I will set out today although the day will be quite gray. I need to give the car a run and I see the first mention of snow showers in the next 10 days. Sigh. I just conked out last night … walked to the Park, around a few miles until there was another hawk near-attack and then I walked around the neighborhoods to get a few more harvest/scarecrow pictures for November posts. Finally, the sun came out when I arrived home … still trying to put away the groceries I got for Winter and worked on that til late, much too late to get here and started to get heavy eyes. πŸ™‚ I think I got a few squirrel photos yesterday before the man/dog came along and then the hawk came calling. I stayed with the squirrels about 45 minutes to thwart any attacks and got those shots. I am going to head to this new wildlife sanctuary this morning, just with the small camera – they have a long walkway to the River. From their
            Facebook photos it does not appear narrow … but that’s what I thought about Crosswinds Marsh and people were there with kids, strollers and dogs … too crammed om the path. Then I will leave and go next year.

          2. That’s one of the nice things you can look forward to when you retire, the parks aren’t as crowded during the week. πŸ™‚ Lately we’ve been taking walks at the popular parks on weekdays and staying home to do chores on the weekend. (Except yesterday we just had to go see the colors we heard were peaking at the arboretum. There were lots of cars there but everyone we encountered had a mask on and kept a good distance.) Sounds like you’re well prepared to hunker down for the winter. Looking forward to hearing about your visit to the new wildlife sanctuary!

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