The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little stardust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.
~ Henry David Thoreau
The true harvest of my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. It is a little stardust caught, a segment of the rainbow which I have clutched.
~ Henry David Thoreau
What a lovely painting! I had never seen it before. Thanks for sharing it with us! 🙂
Today is Summer’s birthday, and tomorrow is the due date for her and my son’s first baby (and my first grandbaby). Very exciting times! <3
Thank you, Timi! I’m happy you enjoyed the painting and I’m so excited for the fast-approaching arrival of your first grandchild!!! ♡♡♡ You must be besides yourself with joy! It would be cool if the new baby shared a birthday with his/her mother. 🙂 Tim was so delighted when his grandson was born on his birthday.
My granddaughter, Chloe, didn’t come on her mother’s birthday, after all. Her birth started early on the next day, her due date, but wasn’t complete until early on August third.
They just got home from the hospital earlier this evening, and are trying to settle in. My son reports a lack of sleep and a fussy baby. I remember how hard having a newborn baby can be, especially when it’s your first.
Welcome to this crazy world, little Chloe! Congratulations to the proud parents and to you, Timi!!! I’m glad things went well and they could get home. Imagine the story Chloe will have to tell someday, being born in the middle of a pandemic. I well remember those endless days and nights with a newborn, too. But I remember the joy, too. ♡♡♡ Hope you get to visit soon!
Van Gogh – ish – I like it!
I thought so, too! We’re off to see a field of sunflowers today…
I agree with Leelah, very Van Gogh-ish!
Perhaps it’s the title – a little stardust caught – which reminds me of Van Gogh. Tonight I heard the Don McLean song, Vincent, for the first time in ages too. What timing. <3
Lots of synchronicity here! Thanks for reminding me of that song, Joanne, I just listened to it on YouTube. Hadn’t heard it in years. It’s funny, the first thing Van Gogh brings to my mind is his sunflowers. Ah, the endless connections that make up our worlds. ❦
The true harvest of our daily lives–sometimes seems so insubstantial, so feeble. This morning I am pondering a question: what do we do each day to nourish our soul’s sense of homecoming? Our soul’s sense of coming home to itself. Not sure of an answer to that yet, but am pondering.
Insubstantial, yes, because nothing lasts forever. Our lives are so fleeting, little waves in a vast ocean. For me, if I can cultivate awareness and gratitude on any given day then I feel peaceful and comfortably at home. But it doesn’t always last and I have to find my way back home again and again…