Stonington Cemetery, Stonington, Connecticut
In my defense, the leaves look very similar. Back in April 2013 I found this lovely tree in Stonington Cemetery and eventually identified it as an elm tree. For our walk today we decided to visit “Grandmother Elm” and wander around the hilly graveyard. When we got to the tree my eye was immediately drawn to an ID tag someone had added, evidently in 2018.

When we got home I was very surprised to learn that tilia × europaea is a common linden! I stand corrected!

After our walk we decided to go to a local nursery to buy a geranium for our balcony. Since we’re still staying home we weighed the pros and cons of doing this very carefully. We didn’t have to go inside the building because most of the plants were outside, even the cashier was outside. Everyone was wearing a mask and everyone was respectfully keeping their distance. The 6-foot-apart spaces to wait in line were well marked. Wearing our masks, we grabbed a geranium, paid for it, had the cashier keep the change, and used our hand sanitizer before getting back in the car. I was very nervous about all this. I am terrified of the virus and not ashamed to admit it. Having heard so many stories about some people taunting others for wearing masks and practicing social distancing I was concerned about a possible confrontation. But on the way home I realised my faith in human decency has been restored, at least for the time being. Thank you, my fellow Nutmeggers!
It can be quite difficult to identify trees! I’m glad your trip to get a geranium for your balcony went so well. I’m contemplating going to the local big box store tomorrow morning during senior hours, but I’m very wary about it all.
I do think I need an online course about tree identification! I hope your trip to the big box store during senior hours goes well. For some reason I can’t bring myself to go inside of a building yet. What a strange new world we’re living in…
I didn’t go. I decided that the things I wanted weren’t worth the risk. My county in Ohio has both the most cases and most deaths from the virus of anywhere else in the state. Better safe than sorry at this point, I think.
I don’t blame you. Looks like a cable guy will be coming here on Tuesday to look at our modem to see why we keep losing internet connection. I am dreading having someone in the house. Will be sanitizing like crazy I imagine…
Good luck with that! I’m waiting for a mattress delivery, but the company isn’t yet doing in-home delivery, and doorstep delivery won’t work for me since my bedroom is on the second floor. So I will wait.
Waiting is the name of the game, these days. I’ve been sleeping in Tim’s recliner to keep my sinuses elevated. Waiting for allergy season to pass. It will be a long wait (until first frost) but I should get something of a break during air-conditioning season.
I’m with you about being super careful about where I go and how I handle objects. We have no intention of getting this virus, if we can help it. On a different note, I like the bark pattern in the linden. That is trippy.
Better to be too careful than not careful enough, I keep telling myself. Trippy is such a great word to describe the swirly bark pattern! It’s odd how I never noticed it before this most recent visit.
Hi Barbara, tree identification can be so challenging. As can being out in public. As can being on Facebook. As can wood ticks. As can the color of one’s skin. I think I will quit typing now. But hope you are having a good weekend.
I find myself being more and more of a lurker on Facebook… sigh… Recent events have been so horrifying I just want to be an ostritch and bury my head in the sand. I feel so helpless to change anything, being swept along in the tide of history.
Yes, I know…🙈
Hang in there, my friend. *hugs*