It’s hard to imagine that my little grandson is only 14 months old. His mother reports that Finn now understands that he needs to push with one foot. I’m impressed!
It’s hard to imagine that my little grandson is only 14 months old. His mother reports that Finn now understands that he needs to push with one foot. I’m impressed!
I’m impressed too, particularly as I was hopeless with scooters even when I was a lot older than Finn!
How are you, Barbara? I’ve been away from reading blogs for so long, I don’t really know what’s been happening in your life. x
I don’t remember ever having a scooter but I do remember struggling valiantly with a pogo stick one year. Never did get the hang of it.
If you go back to the previous post you can read about my latest health crisis. Been having a rough time of it. So nice to hear from you again, Val! ♡
Sorry to hear all that, Barbara. I’ve just posted a comment but it vanished. Maybe Akismet has grabbed it?
That’s exactly what happened, which is puzzling. Why did it flag that comment but not this one?
I replied to the other post via your blog, and this one via the notifications panel that’s now in wordpress dot com blogs. This one made it go through straight away as I suspected it would. I do sometimes have problems with commenting on self-hosted sites and my comments going to spam instead. Don’t know why, though.
Interesting. Perhaps I should start checking my spam queue…
Great photo – he looks so intent.
Thanks, Sheryl. I think he’s determined to keep up with his 5-year-old sister. 🙂