Emus are little more than feathered stomachs borne on mighty legs and ruled by a tiny brain. If an emu wants one of your sandwiches, he will get it, and then run away. He cannot help you with your sudoku.
~ Richard Fortey
(Horseshoe Crabs & Velvet Worms: The Story of the Animals & Plants That Time Has Left Behind)
Last weekend we stopped by Creamery Brook Bison looking for local bison meat. Nobody was home, except this curious creature, who came over to its enclosure fence to check us out.

The more I talked to it, the higher it lifted its head. Wonder what was going on in that little bird brain. Thinking about me as a potential source of food, no doubt. I don’t think it gets its picture taken very often.

Delightful post, Barbara. How fun to find this sentry at the bison meat store. It’s not often we come upon a bird that is as tall as we are.
Thank you, Jet. Meeting the emu was definitely an unexpected turn of events on our outing. 🙂
Orange County NC had a rogue emu for months, which unfortunately met a sad end. https://www.wral.com/emu-that-ran-wild-in-orange-county-for-weeks-dies-during-capture/18629555/
Oh dear, the poor emu. I do wonder where it came from but I suppose some mysteries will never be solved…
From the expression on its face, I want to think that a lot is going on in its brain – even though I know that it has a “bird brain.”
It did seem to be pondering something or other. It certainly seemed more curious about us than its companion, who never even looked up while we were there. 🙂