Last year’s Viking Days at Mystic Seaport was such a success that they decided to have another one this year. The weather was cool and comfortable and there were plenty of Vikings out and about.

We again enjoyed strolling through the Viking encampment set up by Draugar Vinlands.

No Norwegian fjord horses this year, instead there were Gotland sheep, a domestic breed named for the Swedish island of Gotland.

The Draken Harald Hårfagre Viking ship (above) spent another winter here. I’m not sure what its future plans may be. It was open for tours.

The majestic wooden whaleship Charles W. Morgan (above) is always a pleasure to see.

I was happy to see the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center‘s presentation about birds of prey again. The Vikings were falconers but the birds we were shown are from Connecticut. All were injured and brought to the nature center but were unable to live in the wild after their recovery.

~ screech owl with head turned away

The first birds shown we’ve seen before but a new one has joined the group. It’s a red-shouldered hawk who was found hit by a car and brought in to the nature center. He had a recently broken wing and an x-ray revealed an older break, too, that hadn’t healed well. He’s all right now, but cannot fly far enough to survive in the wild. So he’s getting used to his new life educating the public. This was only his third time being shown. He seemed as awed at the sight of us as we were of him.

~ red-shouldered hawk

~ red-shouldered hawk

~ red-shouldered hawk

~ red-shouldered hawk

~ red-shouldered hawk
After the birds of prey presentation we spotted a couple of young Scottish Highland cattle. We were told they are 8 months old.

And of course, we were mingling with Vikings…

On our way out we spotted these purple alliums.

We left with three bottles of mead for summer solstice, two skeins of Gotland sheep wool, and a camera full of pictures in my backpack. It was just as much fun as last year!
What a wonderful event! Than for sharing it with us. 🙂
You’re welcome, Timi! I thought of you while we were taking it all in. 🙂
Looks like so much fun!
It sure was, Kathy! 🙂