A wise man will know what game to play to-day, and play it. We must not be governed by rigid rules, as by an almanac, but let the season rule us. The moods and thoughts of man are revolving just as steadily and incessantly as nature’s. Nothing must be postponed. Take time by the forelock. Now or never! You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.
~ Henry David Thoreau
(Journal, April 23, 1859)
Thoreau wrote these words when he was only 41 years old. (He died at age 44.) When I was 41… Let’s just say that after a childhood of ‘finding my eternity in each moment’ I found a way to squelch that way of being until I was into my 40s. But ‘living in the present’ has been coming much more naturally to me in the past twenty years. It’s a blessing to be alive.
This summer has been unbearably hazy, hot and humid. So many heat advisories and air quality alerts. I cannot remember the last time we turned off the air conditioners and opened the windows. I am crazy with cabin fever and going outside offers no relief.
But, I had some good news yesterday. I had an appointment with my oncologist and he found no sign of cancer recurrence! So I don’t need to see him again for a whole year!
Come, autumn. Please! Time to curl up again with a good book. To ‘launch myself on a new wave.’
🙂 Great news!
Thanks, Susan! 🙂
So delighted with your good news, the continuing gifts of presence in your life, and the words that urge us to launch with every wave—suppose he means even the hot ones, lol.
Thanks, Kathy! If it’s not one wave it’s another. 😉
That’s good news, Barbara.
So far, we’ve had a very hot summer for the UK and I’ve found it unbearable, too. I’ve never longed for summer to be over before, but I do now.
Thanks, Val! It always seemed like elderly people always wanted to move south (to Florida!) for retirement. So far I’ve no desire to move to a warmer climate. I hope you’re finding ways to cope with the heat. From news reports we get here it sounds like all of Europe is (or was) suffering from extreme temperatures…
Thank you, Pam!!! *hugs* 🙂