Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.
~ Jorge Luis Borges
(Labyrinths: A New Refutation of Time)
Boy that Jorge fella has an interesting way of looking at things … I was waiting for him to mention water next …
I have a thing for mindfulness metaphors, the illustrations help me to “see” things that regular words fail to convey to my “thinking in pictures” mind. 🙂
What a great picture! I trust your visit to Ireland was wonderful!
Thank you, Tiny! A tiger was the last thing I expected to see in Ireland!
Yes, that was unexpected! I hope your c & c are on their way out! XXX
Getting there, Tiny. Thank you! *hugs*
All that we are…river, tiger, fire. And here we thought we were a separate self, only a human body mind… hope you are well, river tiger fire friend.
Thank you, Kathy! We are so very many things, aren’t we? Going for my final radiation treatment this afternoon, bringing along the head cold I picked up in Ireland. I am the cold… I am the cancer…
May your cold get better soon, and may the cancer decide it isn’t you after this readiation. xoxoxo
Thank you, Kathy! *hugs*