Katherine and her parents have moved to Cork, Ireland!!! For a year or two. It’s been an exciting summer and autumn as Dima & Larisa have been preparing for this grand adventure. Happily all of Katherine’s living ancestors, four grandparents and two great-grandmothers were on hand in North Carolina to celebrate her 3rd birthday in September. Grandpa Tim has discovered that flights from New England to Ireland are cheaper than flights to North Carolina so we surely will be visiting them soon. 🙂
Let the adventures begin! I am sure you will enjoy each and every moment!
Indeed, we will! And the milder climate in Ireland will be a welcome change from the heat and humidity in North Carolina. 🙂
How wonderful for them to have this experience! Do you think Katherine will develop an Irish accent? I can’t believe she is 3 years old already. Good luck to all!
I can’t wait to see if Katherine adopts an Irish accent! 🙂 We’re counting the days until we can fly over to see them. There are flights from Providence to Cork for $99. That is a good bit of good luck right there…
How exciting! I look forward to reading about your Irish adventures before long.
I’ve never been to Ireland before. Katherine seems to be enjoying her new environment. 🙂
Barbara, Oh for joy that you will be going to Ireland next!!
Isn’t it amazing? Another chance of a lifetime!! 🙂