surgery update

5.16.15 ~ Venice, Italy

Just a quick update: Tim came home from the hospital yesterday and this morning we are waiting for his first visiting nurse to arrive. He is comfortable on Tylenol and starting to resume a normal diet.

The laparoscopic surgery did not go quite as planned. After an hour the surgeon decided to open him up go in the traditional way. So Tim was in surgery for six long hours. Thankfully my sister was waiting with me.

The surgeon said Tim will likely never have a bout of diverticulitis again!

He will have a huge (10 inches) scar across his lower left abdomen. It joins the huge scar from by-pass surgery (2007) down the middle of his chest. Battle scars… And we’ve been introduced to the concept of healing from the inside out. While his incision is held together with staples on either end, in the middle (4 inches) it remains a gaping open wound.

When a wound is deep … packing the wound can help it heal. The packing material absorbs any drainage from the wound, which helps the tissues heal from the inside out. Without the packing, the wound might close at the top, without healing at the deeper areas of the wound.
~ The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma

On the advice of the occupational therapist I went out and bought a recliner to make Tim more comfortable as he recovers for the next month or so. He’s walking around and doing the stairs, but in between moving around he needs a cozy place to rest. Hopefully the worst of it is behind us now.

8 thoughts on “surgery update”

  1. Glad to hear that Tim is home and managing the discomfort. And, that’s a very positive pronouncement from the surgeon regarding the low chance for future bouts of diverticulitis, hooray!

    I’m imagining Tim in a recliner from IKEA and with an accessory that can hold his computer. Say “no!” to work! (At least until the visiting nurses are no longer part of the daily routine!)

    Question: do all new recliners come with a fitbit also? They are soooo comfy. LOL

    Hang in there, nurse Barbara. You are doing an awesome job!

  2. So glad to hear Tim is home and healing. Wishing him a smooth and speedy recovery, Barbara. And wishing you time for your own rest and recovery. Caretaking can be taxing.

  3. Thanks for the update. I hope you get to use the recliner, too, now and then! You deserve it, too. Hugs to the both of you.

  4. I wish Tim and you the best…hopefully his recovery goes smoothly under your care and with help of the visiting nurse. The recliner sounds like a great acquisition. I am familiar with the open wound practice from a few years ago when our son had an accident that severed his leg…silver packing which he learned to do himself at home. And it all healed well. Men have their battle wounds. Hugs!

  5. Wow–this whole process sounds scary for both of you! I’m so thankful that Tim survived his long surgery with a good prognosis, and that you had the support of your sister while you had the unexpected very long wait during it all. It must have been quite stressful for you and of course for Tim.

    I can second the advice of the occupational therapist regarding getting a recliner for post-op comfort. I wish that I had had one during my bout of four major surgeries in 15 months a few years ago. Unfortunately I had neither the money nor the space to have a recliner to assist me, although it was recommended.

    The ‘healing from the inside’ process sounds rather gruesome and quite frightening as well. I am sending healing thoughts Tim’s way and thoughts of support and serenity to you both. <3

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