Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
~ Henry David Thoreau
(Journal, August 23, 1853)
Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
~ Henry David Thoreau
(Journal, August 23, 1853)
Dear Barbara,
Lovely to see this post. This is my first time witnessing the summer transitioning into Autumn. I wrote to a dear friend this morning that its a soft scare to see the lush green turn into dried lifeless! Thought the colors would be glamorous, the feeling is mixed. I enjoyed the summer in Europe, the flowers, berries and everything!
By the way, you can now see my posts at https://flourishinghappiness.wordpress.com
I wish you a lovely day!
Hi Sonali! Did you not get the in between colors of yellow, red and orange? There are very few trees here that go from green to dried lifeless. You’ll have to come to New England, I guess, to see a spectacular change of season. 🙂 But don’t come too early, our autumn colors don’t really peak until October. Right now everything is still lush and green.
I will get over to your new blog soon! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh yes, There should be the orange and yellow in between, but seems like on the way to dryness. I hope I survive the Autumn & the winter too (Actually I’m very excited) 😉
It should be a wonderful experience for you! Europe’s climate is not as drastic as North America’s, “with a relatively narrow annual temperature range and few extremes of temperature.” Enjoy! 🙂
We get no intermediate colors either…but there are always the lengthening shadows, the golden light, and every now and then we see a liquid amber tree with its stained glass autumn colors!
A lovely painting here – you get such a sense of the delicate breezes and colors of spring.
I’m guessing you have a Mediterranean climate there in your neck of the woods? When I lived in Greece there were seasonal changes but it wasn’t as pronounced as it is here in New England. Berry picking around here doesn’t happen until summer – strawberries in June, blue berries in July, raspberries in August…
I’ve never been to the west coast – some day I would love to see the Pacific Ocean!
Love the painting, Barbara! I could have gone berry picking while ‘back home’ recently. The lingonberries were almost ripe at the time 🙂
Thank you, Tiny! The closest I’ve come to picking lingonberries is making a trip to IKEA (an hour away) to pick up lingonberry jam and lingonberry juice. 🙂 I think we had couldberries when we were in Norway…
Ah, Henry David’s quote is right on, and the painting you chose to go with it – sublime.
Thank you so much, Pam! I’m often hard pressed to “live” in summer, but there are “influences” to be found if I make a concerted effort.