Still waiting for some snow here in southeastern Connecticut. Still wondering what on earth gave me a very bad case of food poisoning. And wondering if I will be well enough to fly to North Carolina on Sunday as planned…
Waiting for test results to see what mowed me down… I’m guessing, by process of elimination, that it was the pumpkin muffin batter I licked off the spoon or the easy-over eggs I had at the restaurant. Of course I’ve been doing research online.
A post written by a 27-year-old woman proudly asserted that she had been licking the spoon when baking all her life and had never got food poisoning in spite of her mother’s dire warnings. Well, I have, too, for 58 years, and, a word to the wise, I will never ever do it again!!!
Tim and I ate all the same things in the days leading up to my illness, except for licking the batter spoon and except for having scrambled eggs when I had mine over-easy. I will never order over-easy eggs again. Tim did not get sick!
In fact, he’s been taking very good care of me. Laundry, dishes, meals for himself, taking me to the emergency room and then to the gastroenterologist. This is day four and I’m doing much better, still resting and sleeping a lot. The doctor wasn’t sure if I’d be well enough by Sunday to make the much-anticipated trip south to see Katie and her folks. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, too. Rest and heal, and may you be able to fly south to see your loved ones.
Thank you, Robin. I’m still hoping…
Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I hope you’ll have regained your energy by Sunday so that you can travel and get pampered in NC. All the best for your speedy recovery!
Thank you, Tiny. I want to feel well enough to play with the sweet and busy little toddler!
Get well soon. Soon enough to travel. BTW I remember licking the beaters from the mixer when I was a kid.
Thank you, Sybil. I have always licked the spoon, beaters and bowls, too, but I cannot come up with any other plausible explanation than the batter or the easy-over eggs…
I’ve always been a batter-licker too, and have never gotten ill…but will have to reconsider now! Take care and feel better!
Thank you, Lauren. I’m starting to think: we aren’t very likely to be in a car crash but we wear seat-belts just in case. Likewise, perhaps we’re not likely to get food poisoning from batter or runny eggs, but I think I’ll pass from now on, just in case.
Well I never heard of such a thing but I suppose it could happen. One has to check the batter.
Sending you ((Healing)) I am glad Tim is taking care of you!
Thank you for the healing energy, Jeff. Tim is a keeper – every day I thank my lucky stars that he is my partner on this crazy journey…
love to you Barbara, great to know you’re being looked after, hope you get to see little Katie on Sunday, hugs, Tai 🙂
Thank you, Tai! Sadly I was not well enough come Sunday to make the trip so we will reschedule. It would be better to feel well during the visit when we finally get there. 🙂 Love and *hugs* to you, too.
The body reacts strongly to foods the mind posits caused such illness. Caramel coated popcorn is right out for me. It was the last food I ate once as a boy before a stomach flu set up shop in my gut and turned on a misfiring diesel engine or something in there…
Wow, that sounds like an awful reaction to caramel coated popcorn! It turns out that I probably had a nasty virus because all the tests for bacteria came back negative. But my immune system kicked in and did its job – I just had to allow it some time to do so. Thank you for your comment, Michael!
Hi Barbara. The painting is beautiful. Hope you are feeling better. Jane
Thank you, Jane. I am feeling so much better and am enjoying the snow we’ve been getting.