whimsical kingdoms
Lieutenant River ~ 10.16.15 ~ Old Lyme, Connecticut

The theme of this year’s Wee Faerie Village at the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme is Whimsical Kingdoms. Last week Janet, Kathy and I visited and had a lovely morning and afternoon walking through the outdoor exhibit, enjoying the cool, crisp autumn air and fanciful creations.

I love this time of year! We stopped for lunch at the museum’s Café Flo, where the addition of a cup of warm apple cider was a most welcome pleasure.

This year I was particularly drawn to all the earth tones and textures in many of the fairy castles. But we were also lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a colorful fairy! Following are a few of my favorites…
“Brave” by Kristin & Tom Vernon
“Whimsical Sugar Maple Castle” by Jared Welcome

Many years ago a sugar maple seedling twirled to the ground. Inside, a mighty tree hiding a faerie castle, hid inside. For seven and seventy years the tree grew tall, until the winds of Hurricane Sandy took its toll. It was time for the faerie tower to emerge. Coaxed out of hiding by chain saw and sander, this whimsical, yet sturdy castle “welcomes” all faeries fluttering down in search of shelter.
~ Wee Faerie Village: Whimsical Kingdoms
“Sand Castle Extraordifaerie” by Greg J. Grady
“The Wizard King” by William Vollers
“Tiger Lily’s Village”
by Madeline Kwasniewski & T. Arthur Donnally
“Thumbelina” by Nancy MacBride
autumn sky at Florence Griswold Museum
“The Woodland Faerie Kingdom of A Midsummer’s Night Dream”
by Tammi Flynn, Cheryl Poirier & Lisa Reneson
“Jack & The Beanstalk” by Carol Hall-Jordan & Kathryn Stocking-Koza
“Jack & The Beanstalk” by Carol Hall-Jordan & Kathryn Stocking-Koza
“One Thousand & One Arabian Nights” by Pam Erickson & Sharon Didato
“Tower of Baubles” by Billie Tannen & Robert Nielsen
a Valkyrie hanging out in “Valhalla” by Amy Hannum & Laurie McGuinness

To view my pictures from past Wee Faerie Villages click on “Florence Griswold” in the categories below.

11 thoughts on “whimsical kingdoms”

    1. Thank you, Janet! It was a lovely day with two great companions and plenty of creativity and nature to behold. 🙂

  1. loved your share Barbara, if you’ve seen the film Fairy Tale there is a wonderful fairy house, built by one of the characters brother, your blog reminded me, thanks 🙂

    1. Tai, I have a copy of “Fairy Tale: A True Story,” which I think is the movie you are referring to. Haven’t seen it in ages so I pulled it out and will watch it again. Maybe someday Katie and I will watch it together. Thanks for reminding me of it. 🙂

  2. How magical! I hope when Babbins is older you can teach her how to make some of these. 🙂 And of course bring her to this amazing exhibit to get inspiration. 🙂

    1. My thoughts are definitely going along with yours, Larisa! Babbins (Katie) and I will have loads of fun picking out her costume and collecting fairy house building materials for an October fairy-themed visit. 🙂

    1. Me, too, Sybil. There were so many details – it’s amazing the way the artists put little items from the woods and seashore so creatively together. All those earth tones and textures…

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