an apple drops
“The Apple Harvest” by Carl Larsson

Life can be so long, now and then
lasting all of months on end
broken by tall grass,
deep-flowing rivers
and kisses
that last no longer than an apple takes
to drop
in that fleeting second between summer and fall.
~ Terje Johanssen
(The Magic of Fjords)

10 thoughts on “an apple drops”

  1. a time to gather and enjoy what nature provides…the season of apple pies and lots of peeling and baking…love the verse and picture Barbara

    1. Thank you, Tai! Indeed! I’m busy looking for grain-free recipes for baking apple treats. The humidity is finally gone away and I hope to finally do some apple-picking this weekend…

  2. Wonderful image …And I love this expression ” kisses that last no longer than an apple takes to drop in that fleeting second between summer and fall.”

    1. Me, too, Sybil. Some poets have such a way with words. I hope I get some pictures of people apple-picking in our local orchard this weekend. One of my favorite autumn rituals…

    1. Are you sure, Sonali? I was under the impression that apple trees grew all over the world. Wikipedia says: “About 80 million tons of apples were grown worldwide in 2013, and China produced almost half of this total. The United States is the second-leading producer, with more than 6% of world production. Turkey is third, followed by Italy, India and Poland.” Maybe there are apple trees in another part of India than where you are living…

      1. Im very sure Barbara. Apple trees are there up north close to the himalayan range and kashmir…where i have never gone… Dont know why but apple tree definitely belongs to my fantasy world..

        1. It always blows my mind when I consider that something so ordinary to me, like an apple, would seem so exotic to others. Then again, most of the things I see in pictures from India look extraordinary to me while they are part of your everyday life.

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