five years by the sea

"Incoming Tide, Scarboro Maine" by Winslow Homer
“Incoming Tide, Scarboro Maine” by Winslow Homer

Sssh says the ocean
Sssh says the small wave at the shore ~ sssh
not so violent, not
so proud, not
so remarkable.
says the surf
crowding around the outcrops,
washing the shore. Sssh,
they say to people,
this is our Earth,
our eternity.
~ Rolf Jacobsen
(Night Open: Selected Poems of Rolf Jacobsen)

...Daddy concentrates, Katie hams it up for the camera...
…while her dad concentrates,
Katie hams it up for the camera…

It’s hard to believe this little blog is five years old today! And it’s still a great pleasure, finding images and words to combine and share – I wonder if I will ever tire of it. More and more I am enjoying taking my own pictures, and am hoping to take some great ones when we go to Germany, Italy and Norway this spring. And of course, there will always be more pictures of precious Katie.

Since we are pretty cooped up in the condo because of frequent snowstorms with no melting in between, I’ve been making the best of it, watching Seasons 1 & 2 of Vikings on DVD in preparation for the start of Season 3, on Thor’s Day (Thursday) the 19th.

Thank you all my readers who have left such thoughtful comments over the years! Making friends with you in the blogosphere has enriched my life beyond measure!

16 thoughts on “five years by the sea”

  1. Congratulations, Barbara! You have enriched my life as well. That picture of Katie is so precious. She looks so excited that my smile upon seeing it is almost as big as hers. lol! Lovely poem and great pairing with the image, as usual. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Robin! This picture of Katie makes me smile, too. 🙂 She’s such a happy little one, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, a joy to be with. I’m so glad Larisa sends us so many photos of her – they always brighten up our days.

  2. I love our little blogging-circle of friends too. It give me great joy. What on Earth was happening to elicit that wonderful look of joy and surprise on Katie’s face ?

    I marvel at how you pair up paintings and poems. How much time do you spend choosing the right combo ?

    1. I keep forgetting to ask Larisa the story behind the picture! Have now sent out an inquiry.

      Oh Sybil, I have no idea how to keep track of the time spent pairing up my combinations – probably way too much time at the expense of housework – it feels like an addiction. I have a large collection of quotes and sometimes I’ll spend an hour (or more) browsing WikiArt. Sometimes when I’m out taking a picture with my camera one of those saved quotes will just pop into my head. It’s pure joy!

    2. The answer has arrived:

      “We were at game night. Dima was focusing on his next move in the board-game we were playing. Katie was looking around so I was making faces and smiling at her.”

  3. Congratulations on five years By the Sea, Barbara, one of my most favourite blogs to visit. I always know you will have something beautiful to share, and the photo of Katie, with that amazing expression of delight, is one of the best. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Joanne! I am equally fond of your blog and your garden and birds – they give me a delightful glimpse into life on the other side of the earth.

      I knew the minute Larisa sent me this picture of Dima and Katie I just had to share it. 🙂

    1. Oh Rosie, I feel so honored! I’m delighted to have you as a loyal reader and a dear friend. I do hope we get to meet one day. California seems as far away as Norway, but dreams do come true once in a while…

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