8 thoughts on “summers, times, people”

    1. Thank you, Kathy! We are enjoying this summer, so different in focus from last summer when two loved ones were dying. Yesterday I got to feel my new granddaughter kick my hand from inside of her comfy womb!!!

  1. So true that no summer ever comes back.

    Enjoying summer here in Nova Scotia, surrounded by children day in, and day out 🙂 They seem to have a knack for getting the most out of whatever summer has to offer. A *quiet* walk along a path in the woods with 4 kids on Saturday turned into a giggling muddy mess. All 5 of us were wearing crocs which quickly got sucked into the boggy mud. I was up to my elbows in the mud, hoping nothing was alive down there as I grasped for lost shoes. The kids had a blast. I’m just glad I still have all my fingers 🙂

    1. I LOVE the sound of your giggling muddy mess adventure, Amy-Lynn! 🙂 So glad to hear that everyone kept all their fingers and toes! Wondering if the four are your grandchildren – if so, I bet they will recall the memory of this spectacle as a high point of THIS particular summer for many years to come! I hope everyone got hosed down before going back into the house. For that purpose, my grandmother kept a hose stretched out across her yard, warming the water in the sunlight. We all wanted to get rinsed off first – the last one usually got a good dose of cold water. 🙂

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