dinosaurs in the woods

6.23.13 ~ Montville, Connecticut
Dominic and Julius at The Dinosaur Place
6.23.13 ~ Oakdale, Connecticut
6.23.13 ~ Montville, Connecticut

While Nate & Shea were in Connecticut for the wedding, we also spent a fun day at an outdoor Dinosaur Place with them and their nephews.  It was very hot so we were glad to be in the woods most of the time, and enjoyed watching the kids play on the splash pad after our long dinosaur walk.

I don’t know the names of these dinosaurs, but Dominic knows ALL of them and he’s only 4 years old!  It was fun seeing this lost world through the eyes and imaginations of the little ones.
Julius and Dominic
Dominic enjoying the amazing playground

18 thoughts on “dinosaurs in the woods”

    1. What amazes me is that scientists think that birds are actually dinosaurs, the only dinosaurs that didn’t go extinct 65 million years ago. Of course the little ones thought I was talking nonsense!

    1. I hope you don’t have any more problems with the email notifications… The computer sprites seem to be full of mischief in recent days – maybe the heat and humidity are getting to them, too. 🙂

  1. Hi Barbara. When I was young, we used to visit Dinosaur Park in Calgary, Alberta with my parents. I loved it. The Stegasaurus seems quite friendly! Jane

    1. What a lucky kid you were, Jane! The only dinosaur bones I got to see as a child were in the American Museum of Natural History in New York. I think seeing dinosaur likenesses outside would have been much more fun!

    1. It does make one wonder what life would be like for us now if the larger dinosaurs had survived – it’s hard to imagine when you stand right next to a life-sized model!

  2. How wonderful to meet dinosaurs with the two children! That’s something I miss now that my children are all older. Children find magic in the simplest of moments. 🙂

    1. We’ve been wanting to take some children to this dinosaur place for years, so when Julius and Dominic came to town we made sure to “borrow” them for the occasion! 🙂

      1. You should send them that post and ask them Barbara? I was always fascinated with dinosaurs as a kid, but we didn’t have movies about dinosaurs back then. I saw them in museums and was overwhelmed with the size of them and the history behind them. A fellow blogger collects dinosaur artifacts and has shown us a dinosaur tooth he purchased a few years ago.

        1. Will have to ask them! Not sure how old I was but I do have a vivid early memory of visiting the American Museum of Natural History in New York City with my parents. The size of the tyrannosaurus rex fossil blew my mind and I wondered how they could fit it into the building. Actually, the whole city with its skyscrapers and huge buildings overwhelmed me, growing up in the woods in a rural area…

          1. I was at the museum in Toronto on a field trip – just huge and amazing. I was in awe going to downtown Toronto as we lived in the suburbs. So many big skyscrapers, even then. We traveled to the Chicago Museum of Natural History when I was young. They had an impressive display there – that was over 50 years ago.

          2. We have so many similar memories ~ our parents took us to the same kinds of places and had us watching the same nature programs on TV. 🦕

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