winter appointments

"Winter Light" by Ann Brainerd Crane
“Winter Light” by Ann Brainerd Crane

I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.
~ Henry David Thoreau

Oh! where do fairies hide their heads,
When snow lies on the hills?
When frost has spoiled their mossy beds,
And crystallized their rills:
Beneath the moon they cannot trip
In circles o’er the plain:
And draughts of dew they cannot sip,
Till green leaves come again.
~ Thomas Haynes Bayly
(Songs & Ballads, Grave & Gay)

18 thoughts on “winter appointments”

    1. If we get some snow on Friday I will be keeping a snow-date appointment myself with a special tree or two!

  1. I often wonder where the birds and animals hide, during the hottest days here in the summer too! Those poor little fairies….

    There is a rather haunting feeling to the painting, with the trees standing all alone in the snow. It’s comforting to think that Henry David Thoreau may be on his way to them. 🙂

    1. Trees often make the perfect shelter for small creatures and little nature spirits, from the hottest of summer days to the coldest of winter nights. So perhaps the trees aren’t so alone in the snow as the seem at first glance. Thoreau was probably attracted by the same wonderful energy trees share with all sorts of beings. 🙂

    1. Do you have any special trees that you enjoy visiting now and then, Jane? I love “snowlight” – it’s the best thing about winter for me. 🙂

      1. Hi. I have several trees that are special. The big maple outside our front door is a favorite. I also have a grove of trees at the back of our house lot that I visit often. Jane

        1. How fortunate you are to have so many special trees so close to home. When I go visit my father I often check on “my” hemlock tree. I used to climb it all the time when I was a child…

    1. Oh yes, Hanneke, I think you must be right – I can picture them all snuggled and cuddled up under their little blankets, toasty warm!

  2. I love that painting. I don’t know the artist and – like I’ve done after seeing so many artists on your blog – will have to go a-hunting for more info and more images. 🙂

  3. I love the painting and the Thoreau quote!
    “I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech tree..”

    1. Happy you liked them, Rosie! Perhaps I’ve tramped eight or ten miles many years ago, although I know you surely have! But I’ve never tramped through the snow or walked so far to keep an appointment with a tree… Most of my tree friends are local…

  4. Wanted you to know how much I enjoyed. The painting is splendid. Love the Thoreau quote on an appointment with trees. He certainly had the right idea. And the fairy verse/song is charming!

    1. So happy you enjoyed this combination, Diane! It’s interesting how trees all seem to have their own personalities and energy, and nice to know that others have found this to be true, too.

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