21 inches of snow ~ 2.6.78

2.6.78 ~ Ledyard, Connecticut
Nat’s first encounter with the aftermath of a blizzard
2.6.78 ~ Ledyard, Connecticut

Snow memories… Blizzard Charlotte keeps reminding us of Blizzard Larry, which stormed through Connecticut thirty-five years ago on February 6, 1978, when we also got 21 inches of snow. Our son was two years old at the time, and was already showing signs of the outdoor-loving guy he was to become.

2.6.78 ~ Ledyard, Connecticut
2.6.78 ~ Ledyard, Connecticut

Yesterday I kept thinking about these pictures and so decided to learn how to use the scanner today. Nate (we used to call him Nat, but his friends changed his nickname to Nate) moved to Georgia in 2011 and he very much misses New England and snow. Tim set up a webcam for him so he could watch the blizzard outside our kitchen window on his computer as the storm was in progress.

2.6.78 ~ Ledyard, Connecticut
Tim and Nat taking a walk to see what they could see

While flipping through the photo album I came across this picture of my sister Beverly and the swan she sculpted from a snowfall the year before, in the winter of 1977.

1977 ~ Storrs, Connecticut
Beverly and her lovely swan ~ 1977 ~ Storrs, Connecticut

16 thoughts on “21 inches of snow ~ 2.6.78”

    1. Thanks, Laurie! Surprisingly Tim only had to go through the scanner steps with me once before I got it. If I had only known he would make the mysterious process so simple for me…

  1. Wonderful memories, Barbara, and so glad you shared the pictures. I love the snow swan your sister sculpted! Our snow has shrunk down a lot now. Hope you are keeping safe and warm! XO

    1. We are safe and warm, thank you, Diane! It rained and was warm all day Monday but only some of the snow melted. The state borrowed some heavy duty military snow removal trucks and machinery – it was fascinating to watch them in use on TV! Some schools in the state are still closed.

  2. I’m really impressed that you were able to use the scanner. What great photos!
    I laughed to think of your son watching the snow on a webcam! What we do for our kids eh?

    1. Thanks, Rosie! Thankfully it’s a two-way street, Nate does a lot for us, too, and we feel blessed. At first I thought the webcam idea was a little creepy, but I eventually got used to it perched there in the window.

    1. It is fun to pull out the old photo albums and stroll down memory lane to the time before digital cameras. 🙂 And nowadays we can all gather around our TVs and view our most recent pictures with family and friends. Thank you for the link to the swan song – I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before!

  3. My goodness! Such lovely collection, from years ago! And the snow is as beautiful as it looks even today. What a lovely life.. Your sister looks very pretty. The snow storms seem to be wonderful, I do envy you, I’m unaware of the problems during these storms, but in pictures they are so to be hearted! Thank you for sharing these pictures, Barbara.

    1. You’re welcome, Sonali! It was fun digging out old snow memories to go along with the new ones. I think snowstorms are one of Mother Nature’s ways of telling us to slow down and spend some time in our nests, away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. When we’re safe and warm inside it is a wonderful experience, but if we aren’t prepared, or lose electricity, or have to go somewhere, the situation can become dangerous. Thank you for ♥ing my pictures!

  4. Hi. Love the swan! We have been having our own ‘blizzard’. The snow weighed down the trees and branches were tapping on the window in the wind. Lots of white everywhere! Jane

    1. Did you lose any trees or branches in the blizzard, Jane? When all this white stuff melts I will have to see what the damage is to our evergreens – I can make out where a couple of them split half-way up the trunk. I hope yours fared better!

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