
Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy

Congratulations to Senator-Elect Chris Murphy!!! I try to refrain from getting into politics on my blog but… So delighted everyone I voted for won last night! Thankfully President Obama and Representative Joe Courtney were re-elected!

We were in line when the polls opened at 6:00 a.m. yesterday. Then we took a ride down to the beach and found that it was closed to the public for the after-storm clean-up, which seems to be well under way. It felt kind of weird not being able to go walk by the water and think about things.

The coastline is bracing for another storm this morning, this time a good old-fashioned nor’easter. Gale-force winds and moderate coastal flooding warnings are already up. Maybe even some snow or freezing rain inland. I hope the people of New York and New Jersey don’t bear the brunt of these latest weather threats. No full moon at least, to make things worse.

6 thoughts on “forward”

  1. I heard that many airlines were cancelling flights because of the approaching storm. I hope it’s a gentle storm.

    I agree it feels good when the people we vote for get elected. Hooray!

    1. Our little area of Connecticut was fine, gale force winds and lots of rain. But some places in CT got ten inches of snow – kind of early for that stuff. My aunt Betty’s sister was flying in from Italy for her sister’s funeral and her plane made several unsuccessful attempts to land but finally was able to on the fourth try. Must have been nerve-wracking…

    1. Welcome home, Laurie! And thank you for counting my blog as one of your favorites. 🙂 I so enjoyed seeing your gallery of Mexican doors and am very much looking forward to the next batch of pictures you share.

  2. I am in agreement, Barbara, about the re-election of President Obama, and so glad ‘your’ Senator won too! What a relief. Also, I pray that everyone in the worse Sandy effective areas are given calm weather for a long while, so they can start to get back to normal … although for so many that will be a long road.

    1. I think this was the first time everyone I voted for won! It’s heartbreaking to think of what all of Hurricane Sandy’s victims are still going through. It can’t be easy trying to decide where to start and what to do next, or to wait to see what insurance will cover or not. But it was encouraging to see musicians come together for “The Concert for Sandy Relief.”

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