29 thoughts on “bright wings of autumn”

    1. Diolch yn fawr, Val! At least you knew the name of the bush, Buddleia, or butterfly bush, how appropriate!

  1. How truly lovely Barbara and Tim. There is a very lovely feeling to this, as well as the beauty of the photo and your words. A reflection of your feelings for each other, maybe. And the pleasure you seem to share in working/creating together. Inspiring 🙂

    1. Go raibh míle maith agat an méid sin, Colleen! There is a sense that we are in the autumn of our lives and it makes each moment together all the more meaningful. 🙂

      1. Ta failte romhat, Barbara!

        I know what you mean and how the moments together become even more precious. Wishing both of you a lovely weekend 🙂

        ( there is something magical about the Gaelic language but didn’t know how to add the little inflections?)

        1. I don’t know how to add the inflections, Colleen, I just copied and pasted from Google Translate! 😉 Every time I see your name I think of Ireland… Hope you have a good weekend, too!

  2. A splendid combination!

    I wish this little monarch butterfly well – I am sure he is taking a rest on his magnificent, vast migration; it begins in October and they are all bound for their wintering climate in Mexico. Boyfriend and I have seen them en masse in Northern California and it is something to see.

    1. Þakka þér svo mikið, Aubrey! What a sight that must have been to behold, monarchs en masse! I wonder if my daughter will see any when she and her fiancé go to Mexico this autumn. We saw many of them fluttering, but not together – I hope they all found enough sustenance to carry them as far as they need to go.

  3. You composed a lovely piece! Indeed Autumn is such a splendid time. Lovely colors. I so admire the autumn leaves. The butterfly looks fabulous. I can imagine sitting under the shedding autumn trees, playing the most beautiful music on the violin. Have loads of fun this season, lovely lady 🙂

    1. Grazie mille, Sonali! Autumn is one of the most pleasant times of year, brightly colored leaves floating in the breeze, cool, crisp air, apples and pumpkins, looking for woolly bear caterpillars in the garden. Now I am wondering if there are any songs about autumn, for some reason I can’t think of any. Have a lovely weekend, my friend! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Tracy. So sorry I’m just finding your comment today, somehow a few of them got lost in the shuffle…

    1. Apologies to you, too, Diane! Thank you so much for your kind words – it is amazing how nature inspires, with things both grand and small…

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! I enjoy writing haikus because they help me focus on simple moments in the natural world.

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