12 thoughts on “gaze of the wolf”

  1. Hi,
    Love the photo of the wolf on the beach, reminds me of our dingos here in OZ they are often seen on the beach especially in a place called Fraser Island here in Queensland.

    I have never seen a wild wolf, but the quote from Barry Lopez sounds spot on.

    1. I’ve never seen a wolf in the wild, either, but I did see a coyote here in Groton once, and a bear in Virginia…

      I can see why you thought the wolf is on a beach in the painting, but he is actually on a snow-covered hill or mountain, looking down at a little village in the valley.

      I will see if I can find some pictures of Fraser Island online – it sounds beautiful!

  2. Beautiful painting. And I had to look for the quote by Aldo Leopond, and have bookmarked the page to read more of later. Thank you. 🙂

  3. I love this painting Barbara! It looks like that beautiful wolf “owns” that snow covered mountain. I don’t believe that I have ever heard the howl of a wolf in person. Perhaps that might be a good thing!

    1. So glad you love the painting, Donna. I know many people resonate with wolves – they sound so hauntingly mournful. According to NOVA Online, “howling is the glue that keeps the pack together.” I like to think of them trying to stay connected.

  4. It does reach and pierces our soul. What our soul holds will determine what the wolf will do next or how are we going to react. Deep but can be applied in real every day life. Beautiful and rich painting my friend. Made me think and ponder….Have a blessed day.

    1. “What our soul holds will determine what the wolf will do next or how are we going to react.” What a beautiful thought – that probably explains the connection some people have with certain animals, like dog or horse whisperers… Animals seem to sense our intentions. You gave me something to think about, too. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Keith. I just downloaded *White Fang* for free on my Kindle, too. When my kids were school-aged we read *The Call of the Wild* together at bedtime for a while. How are you enjoying your Kindle? I love mine!

  5. Beautiful painting. I love both quotes but the second one took my breath away.
    I was very fortunate to hear wolves howling in Algonquin Park in Northern Ontario. It makes the hair stand up on your arms when you hear it in the dark…

    Interesting that you’d post something about wolves this week. Did you know last Sunday’s Full Moon was called “the wolf moon?”

    1. Oh that must have been an amazing experience hearing wolves howling! My daughter went to Canada last winter and went dog-sledding – it sounds like such a hauntingly beautiful land. I started reading *White Fang* this morning and could feel the cold vastness and shivered by simply reading Jack London’s words…

      I’ve heard of the wolf moon before but didn’t remember what month it was in and didn’t make the connection until reading your comment! 🙂 I’m so scatter-brained, which often seems to result in a little synchronicity here and there…

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