Dave Matthews, Neil Young
Been meaning to write this blog all week, another rough week, migraine and Auntie recovering from surgery… Taking some refuge in listening to music…
Saturday night I had a treat – I got to watch the 25th Farm Aid benefit concert on Direct TV! I’ve wanted to go to one for years, but they’ve usually been held at locations too far away for us to attend. In 2008, Larisa and I were so excited when we learned that it would be held in Massachusetts, about an hour and a half from here. Unfortunately for us, the tickets (20,000 seats!) sold out in 5 minutes and we didn’t get to go… As far as I know, that was the only time it was held in New England.
This year it was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but I got to see and hear everything! And I think it was probably more enjoyable listening in the comfort of home, with an unobstructed close-up view of the stage. And with earphones the music sounded very good! It must have been cold there because many of the performers and people in the audience were bundled up. The host, Tavis Smiley, even had a scarf wrapped around his neck!
Farm Aid is a worthy cause, celebrating the positive, sustainable future that family farmers are trying to cultivate with their hard work every day. It supports family farms to stand their ground in the fight against factory farms, which are ruining the quality of our food supply, spreading diseases, and polluting the environment. Listening to the information presented between performances renewed my resolve to buy local and buy organic. It’s nice to know so many people are fighting for the future of our planet.
And I didn’t know Willie Nelson had a son who has his own band… Lukas Nelson & The Promise of the Real. He’s a very intense and energetic performer, first riveting my attention during his band’s set. It wasn’t until he came back to perform with Willie at the end that I connected the dots and realized they were father and son. Lukas has his own psychedelic bluesy folk rock sort of sound.
Of course my favorite part was Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, who did Bob Dylan’s All Along the Watchtower, and then Dave’s Don’t Drink the Water, Save Me, You & Me, Gravedigger, and Crush. Willie Nelson came out and joined them for Gravedigger. By the way, Willie’s cover of Gravedigger is very good. I refer to Gravedigger as Dave’s genealogy song, as it seems to describe the contemplating genealogists tend to do as they meander through cemeteries.
Just as rock and roll is loud and proud, so is Farm Aid. Farm Aid’s greatest accomplishment, I believe, is in the spirit. It’s the fact that we represent the spirit of the good fight, to keep something good happening. It just keeps getting stronger and stronger….
~ Neil Young
Thank you, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, and Dave Matthews, and all the guest artists who donated their time and resources, for keeping us focused on the important role of family farmers in America.
I am glad you enjoy this event, yes the comfort of you home is sometimes preferable to the crowds. I remember when Farm Aid first begun, and unfortunately it seems to have lost its Media coverage, or I just am not in the main stream of music these days.
This is a worth cause, I see the land being sold off here in NJ each time I drive south where many of the NJ farms are, the huge tracks of empty fields, the huge tracks of McMansions being build in place of farms, it sad to see. Yet I am glad to know that events are going on and people are still fighting to safe the family farm and the food for the planet!
Hope you are feeling better soon! Sending Love and Healing your way!
I am Love, Jeff
It’s odd, I don’t do well in crowds, but my love of live music has led me to many concerts in spite of it, although I tend to cling to whoever I’m with. Under the stars is the best! A lot less claustrophobic…
Yes, I’ve seen those huge tracks of empty fields and “McMansions” on our way to and from Virginia. My sister calls them “starter castles.” Ironic how families are getting smaller while houses were getting bigger. Although I did read somewhere that the trend is reversing and smaller houses are more in demand now. Maybe some good (common sense) will come out of the Great Recession after all.
Sounds like a good cause.
Lukas Nelson and his band sound like Johnnie Winter, or something of that ilk. Curious how some of our generation’s stuff is making a come-back. Have you noticed that? Not just the music, but the fashions too.
Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.
Yes, I have noticed! Particularly the peasant blouses I used to wear all the time…
I’ve often marveled at how much of the music my kids listen to also appeals to me. My parents would never have dreamed of attending a rock concert with me, and yet my kids have done so frequently. I thought I was turning into a cranky old person during the 80s because I didn’t care for the sound of the music on the radio, but then in the 90s the sound improved drastically and I discovered independent radio, and it’s been smooth sailing ever since!
I’d forgotten about Crush by Dave Matthews, I love that song! Great these four incredible musicians are behind such a worthy cause. I really like your sister’s term “starter castle,” very accurate!
I love”Crush” too. 🙂 One never knows which one or two of his great oldies Dave will pull out at a concert. 🙂 Going to miss the band touring next year – I think it’s the first year they’ve ever taken off… Yes, I still chuckle every time Beverly says “starter castle.”